The Dirty Diaper and Your Child’s Health

According to a New York Times article, “In a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, researchers led by Anita Kozyrskyj found that babies born by C-Section vaginally, and that infants who were breast-fed had a different recipe of bacteria in their guts than those who were given formula.” And when it comes to health, specifically digestive heath and the immune system, it is the bacteria, or bugs, that count. Studies have long shown that children who have been delivered by C-Section have greater risks of certain illnesses, such as asthma, diabetes and obesity, as do children who were … Continue reading

Generational Differences in Marriage Dynamics: Cooking

Due to all of my volunteering, I spend a lot of time each week with people who are more in my parents’ generation than mine. That’s normal enough; once we graduate and enter the work force, our pool of peers naturally expands beyond our age group. I have no problem with this most of the time, but once in a while I feel our generational difference, and that usually relates to our views on marriage. My friends don’t have extremely different views on marriage than me; they’re certainly not the types who think their husbands rule the roost. I don’t … Continue reading

Introducing Your Kids to Someone New

One of things that many single parents wonder is when it is ok to introduce your children to someone new. While there is no straight forward answer, there are many things to consider as you are contemplating bringing someone new into your children’s lives. This is a tender time for children and can affect them in many different ways. Understand that this may be a difficult transition for your children and proceed with care. Before you introduce your children to someone, be sure to talk to them about it. Let them express their feelings to you about this new person. … Continue reading

5 Topics to Discuss before Marriage

How many couples do you know take the time to discuss money, children and other important issues before they get married? Maybe you jumped right into marriage without seriously considering some of these life-impacting issues. If you or someone you know is considering tying the knot, here are five topics that you should discuss before walking down the aisle. It could save a lot of conflict in the future. The first is children. Do you both want children? Nothing is more devastating than a couple getting married and one expecting to have children but the other one dead set against … Continue reading

Don’t Let The Media Parent Your Children

Sometimes I let Hailey watch too much TV. It’s an easy habit to fall into, especially when you are a single parent and there are so many things to do. You plop your child in front of the television, just for a few minutes so you can get something done and a habit is started. All the media in our children s lives is like another influence in the house. Our children are bombarded with messages and even if we are diligent about what they watch they may still see things that go against our values. Many shows that you … Continue reading

When Your Marriage Faces Parenting Challenges

It’s been an interesting week in our home. There are points in time that everything is going along fairly smoothly. There may be a bump or two in the road, but nothing major. Then suddenly you have a week where all three of your preteen and teen children decide to test the waters or stretch your patience or whatever it may be. Suddenly your marriage finds itself being tested as well. Navigating through the relationship of a husband and wife is challenging enough without throwing into the mix some children. Now you have additional relationships to work through. Then there … Continue reading

Remarriage From a Child’s View

When I was eleven years old my mother remarried. At first I was pretty excited about her dating this guy. I finally had that father figure I had craved as a child. Then all of the sudden I realized that I no longer had my mother all to myself anymore. I felt like I was losing her. It had been just me and my mom for several years. We did everything together. We were inseparable. We stayed up late watching old movies in bed, we went to art museums together, we read books together, we went to the symphony together. … Continue reading

Family and Marriage Myths

The problem in trying to identify the type of marriage partner a person will choose and relate it to the family they grew up in, is there are too many variables. So much depends on the personalities involved and the relationships within the family. That’s why, in my opinion, making sweeping generalizations is not helpful and can in fact be harmful when choosing a marriage partner. My daughter and I are like in looks mannerisms and expression in characteristic, like the way we are both worriers. But there are plenty of other cases where we are not alike at all. … Continue reading

Family and Marriage

We’ve probably all heard it at some point, the idea that if a guy wants to know what his intended will be like in later years to look at her mother. Sometimes it might be true but not always. The strange thing is no-one ever suggests to a woman that they look at their intended’s father to see what he will turn out like. Wouldn’t you think that could be just as valid? Is this as my writer friend suggested a case of sexism? Or is there not such a strong link between fathers and sons as there is between … Continue reading

Baptism or Dedication for Your Baby?

When our children were young they were baptized because that is the way things are done in the denomination we belonged to. Children were baptized as babies. Probably neither my husband nor I questioned it because it was what we had both experienced and were used to. As we started to learn more about God, His Word and the Christian life, we thought if we’d had the time over we may not have had our children baptized. Instead we might have opted, as some couples have, for dedicating their baby to God. It is a question you and your marriage … Continue reading