Is Your Spouse Stressing Out?

You know the signs—he’s staring at the computer screen, shooting little aliens or fighting off the zombies that are attacking his virtual front yard. You’ve been trying to talk to him, but you’re getting one-syllable answers. Or she’s immersed in a romance novel and won’t come up for air, or maybe she’s raiding the refrigerator. Whatever his or her coping mechanism might be, you recognize it because you’ve been there before. You know your spouse retreats into that behavior when life is pressing on them too hard. You want to help, but you can’t wave a magic wand and take … Continue reading

Pros and Cons: Working During Your Last Weeks

Throughout my pregnancy, I debated on whether I would work up until my due date or take some time off. There are a lot of considerations, one being financial, of course. Can you afford to take the last two weeks off? Can you afford to take the last month off? Another major consideration is your health. Is it safe to continue working in your profession so late in pregnancy? This depends on your job. Is your job physically demanding or stressful? Does your job require travel that you may not be able to do late in pregnancy, especially if you … Continue reading

Stress and Teens

Teenagers are under a lot of stress. I’m more than a decade out of my teens and can still remember worrying about grades, going off to college, choosing a major, keeping in touch with my friends, leaving home, and a hundred other things. Kids and adults share a lot of the same sources of stress — moving, the death of a family member, family financial problems, dealing with peers. But teens also have some unique sources of stress, including: Changes in their bodies The transition between childhood and adulthood Overloading on extra-curricular activities Figuring out what comes after high school … Continue reading

New to Marriage Blog but Not to Marriage

I’m popping in to say, ‘Hi’ and feeling excited to be joining Courtney on the marriage blog. My husband and I have been married for over 40 years, so hopefully I’ve learned something about marriage in that time to share with you all. Since May 2007 I have been writing in the Christian area and popping in for the occasional guest movie review. A number of my blogs in Christian have covered marriage. You can check some of them out below. Much of my life involves writing. I’m fortunate to have a husband who fully supports me. He thinks I … Continue reading

Different Types of Stress

Stress isn’t just stress. Researchers have identified several different kinds of stress! Stress can be divided into two basic categories: short term stress and long term stress. Each of these categories can be further broken down into different types. Types of short term stress include: Acute time-limited stressors come on suddenly (acute) and are over relatively quickly. Situations like public speaking and doing math in your head fall into this category. These things may come on without warning but are short in duration. Brief naturalistic stressors are similar — they are relatively short in duration. Think of a classroom test … Continue reading

When My Husband’s Stressed…

The picture isn’t Wayne, I just thought it was funny… Life is H E Double Hockey Sticks! I’m a work-from-home/stay-at-home wife and pet parent. I have been for about eight years now. It was a big adjustment for both Wayne and I in the beginning. I had always been a working woman, was raised to be such, and had never planned on becoming “the woman of the house.” But when Wayne and I moved from Phoenix to Jacksonville –a move I didn’t want to make–Wayne enticed (a.k.a. bribed) me with the prospect of fulfilling my lifelong dream. The deal: I … Continue reading

Buying a New Car Together

My husband and I bought a new car yesterday! Well, it’s actually a crossover, a cross between and SUV and a mini-van, but it’s a beautiful vehicle. It’s loaded with awesome options like heated external mirrors and automatic lights, and all kinds of other stuff that I’m still trying to figure out. I’m so excited! Our old mini-van broke down last year, with transmission problems. We saved up the money for the repair, but then the mechanic informed us it was going to be more than twice his original quote. Apparently, there were some manufacturer’s updates to the transmission for … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for Jan 27 – Feb 2

Welcome to our look back on the Marriage Blog Week in Review, this is our way of helping you catch up on the week’s worth of stories. We’re all busy and it’s easy to overlook articles when they are posted all day long – the week in review provides you with a summary of our articles in the past week. So without further ado, let’s dive into this week in review. Saturday, January 27 Reaffirming or Rehashing? is that what you and your spouse are doing when you argue or debate the same point over and over again? I’m sure … Continue reading

Working Through Stress Together

Stuff happens, and usually when we least expect it or when we are already under pressure and just don’t think we can take any more. The unfortunate thing about becoming overwhelmed is that it is very easy to take it out on the people who are closest to us. It’s not unusual for this to occur, but it’s something we have to work to avoid. Even if you feel better temporarily after blowing off steam, it will be short lived. You’ll feel worse long term for having taken things out on your spouse. It helps to devise a system for … Continue reading

Marriage Stress: Coping with Burnout

Have you experienced burn out before? It can happen to us because of our jobs, our lifestyles and our commitments. One of the biggest jobs we have as spouses is to protect our spouses and to look after them. Part of looking after them is watching for these signs of burnout and providing them with the assistance and the support to recover from it. Burnout I’ve gone through burnout before. It’s a state where you’re exhausted, overwhelmed and lacking the will to continue facing the challenges that happen. This happened to me once when my daughter was an infant, I … Continue reading