Minnesota Couple Protests Marriage Law by Marrying in Canada

As most of you well know from the media attention that marriage has been given the past few weeks, much debate has arisen about legal gay marriages. California has now joined Massachusetts in allowing legal gay marriage. Canada, our neighboring country, also recognizes the union between two mates of the same sex. Same sex couples are becoming more and more common among the bonds of relationships. The push to give all unions of two persons the right to legally join is not going away for the other 48 states. Some Minnesotans feel that protest is one way to voice their … Continue reading

Gay Marriage Legal Again in California

In what some will see as victory and others defeat, the California Supreme Court made history today when it overturned a voter-approved ban on gay marriage. What Does It All Mean? First and foremost, there are a lot of gay couples rejoicing right about now. This was an enormous decision which ultimately resulted in triumph for the gay rights movement. Second of all, and perhaps most importantly and which will cause those opposed to gay marriage the most distress, is that the ruling sets a precedent. Domestic Partners vs. Married: Rights California already allowed same-sex couples domestic partner rights, as … Continue reading

In the News: Massachusetts Same Sex Marriage Continues to Be Legal

Late yesterday, supporters won their month-long battle to defeat the proposed amendment to the state constitution that would have defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Governor Patrick was pleased with the result of the legislature’s vote that defeated the referendum on the amendment 151 – 45. The amendment needed at least 50 favorable votes in order to be added to the referendum for voters in 2008. In Massachusetts today, the freedom to marry is secure. – Governor Deval Patrick; Massachusetts What Happens Now? Opponents will have to head back to square one now in order … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review May 6 – 12

Sometimes the weeks seem to fly by too fast and it’s hard to keep track of everything we have going on from day to day. Today is Mother’s Day and we’re almost halfway through May. How can we be halfway through May? How can there just be nine days left on the school year? How are we going to balance life and the changes that summer brings? Well, let’s get started by taking a glance back at the week behind us in case you missed any of our marriage articles this week. Sunday, May 6 Getting married soon, you might … Continue reading

Will Gay Marriage Be on the Ballot in Massachusetts in 2008?

As the state of Massachusetts prepares to begin a state constitutional convention, it seems pretty clear that they will avoid voting whether or not to place gay marriage on the ballot in 2008. While many believe that there are plenty of votes to get the issue on the ballot, based on positions publicly declared by lawmakers, it seems that some lawmakers would rather not have to decide. Gay rights activists are encouraging Democratic lawmakers to pressure colleagues that they work closely with to change their votes if a vote should occur. At this point, legislators are saying they have too … Continue reading

Marriage in the News: Oregon Okays Bill for Domestic Partnerships

Yesterday the Oregon state senate approved the domestic partnerships bill that will allow Oregon to become the seventh state to grant same-sex couples full marriage-style benefits under state law. The governor vowed to sign the bill into a law shortly after the Senate passed it 21-9. HB-2007-A The bill, known as HB-2007-A coupled with an earlier bill that banned discrimination based on sexual orientation is a remarkable turnaround in a state that banned gay marriage at the ballot box 2 years ago. There was some concern after the announcement of the bill’s approval that conservative Christians would seek to place … Continue reading