Making Those Big Decisions

While there are definitely a lot of differences between my husband and I, there are also some similarities that can be viewed as good or bad. For instance, we are both very quick to jump into things. This is why we have learned (the hard way) to never, ever walk into a pet store “just to look.” At this time we have three dogs, one cat, a turtle, a bird, two bearded dragons and some fish. Need I say more? We have also owned mice and rats. But it’s not just pets that we are quick to jump into. We … Continue reading

Do You Blog About Your Homeschool?

Do you have a blog? And if so, do you blog about your homeschool? When you go online and type “homeschool blogs” into a web search, you have a wealth of information at your fingertips. Just a quick search in Google yielded me 4,110,000 results – wow. Think of all the resources those four million blogs could hold for me. Think of all the inspiration, the lesson ideas, the motivation I could get by tapping into that completely free resource. With all those blogs already in existence, is it still important for you to add the topic to your blog … Continue reading

Decisions, Decisions

Recently I heard a woman talking about an argument she had with her husband. The catalyst for the argument was a small thing of something out of place and how to deal with it. But the real problem lay in something far deeper. Too often as women we want to organize our men and tell them what they should be doing and when they should be doing it. The problem is by telling them what to do we are taking away their power of decision making. That was the problem in this case. The man resented being told what he … Continue reading

Why Make Decisions Together?

Over the last couple of blogs we’ve looked at predetermining choices for spouses and family. I’m adamant making decisions together is a far better way to go in marriage. Why? Let me give you some reasons. It’s better for your marriage. Each person feels more involved in the choices made. It strengthens your marriage and you learn to take responsibility and learn from your mistakes together. Another reason is the responsibility doesn’t rest on one person. This can be come very stressful for the person responsible for always making the decisions. Of course it also means that if the decision … Continue reading

The Benefits of Making Shared Decisions

Making decisions together can lead to a happy Marriage. Studies have shown that making decisions alone can negatively impact a marriage. The person who is making the decisions is unhappy because they feel the entire weight of the responsibility. And the person who has no hand in the decision making may feel resentful or be left in a position of accepting something that they don’t want or don’t agree with. When making a mutual decision, both partners should be willing to be objective enough to look at the factors that will create the best overall outcome for the marriage and … Continue reading

Why Can’t all Homeschoolers Get Along?

There’s nothing about a group of homeschooling mom’s getting together to discuss homeschooling their kids. Often it is a source of encouragement and a much needed time of connection with people who are like minded. Sometimes however, such meetings can get contentious. Not all homeschoolers see eye to eye. This is of course, because there are many different types of homeschoolers. Classical homeschoolers with a regimented college bound course, can be dismissive of unschoolers, who let their children lead the way, whether it means college or not. Textbook-based homeschoolers, feel that Charlotte Mason type homeschoolers are missing out on technical … Continue reading

Twins in the Classroom: Why the School Should Not Make the Decision

My past couple of articles have addressed twins in the classroom. I was very surprised to find that some schools have a very strict policy that says twins or multiples must be in separate classes. Due to this strict policy, some states have passed bills that allow parents a say in whether their multiples stay together in school or are in separate homeroom classes. Although I feel that a bill should not be needed to give parents a say in their child’s education, I agree with it. There are many reasons why the school should not make the decision alone. … Continue reading

Do You Have Enough Information to Make a Good Decision?

When it comes to our home businesses, it is often NOT that we cannot make a good or reasonable decision when problem-solving opportunities arrive, but that we don’t gather enough information prior to making those decisions. We may feel rushed or as if we need to make a quick decision right now and we haven’t even gotten a clear picture of the problem or the situation yet. It may just be a matter of our needing to take time to gather all that information, in order to make sound and successful decisions. It takes some patience and persistence in order … Continue reading

Reason I am Glad I Homeschool: School Decisions

My heart bleeds right now for the parents of all the kids that were hurt and killed this week during tornadoes. Days like this make me pull mine closer, and make me very glad we homeschool. I realize the parents of these kids could do nothing to protect them, and I fault no one in the disasters, but when my kids were in school, I remember to trauma that was caused to my kids and me, just from a tornado warning. I would not wish days like that on my worst enemy. Four years ago, when my kids were in … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for Jan 20-26

Good morning, if you noticed a curious lack of the marriage blog week in review, I have to plead guilty. I wrote most of it, but yesterday, my daughter had a birthday party and we went out together to attend. It was a roller skating party and for those of you who follow my fitness blog posts, you know that my daughter and I have been roller-skating a great deal frequently, well we enjoyed ourselves roller-skating, but I was whipped after an hour and half on the skates and my legs felt like spaghetti. I’ll talk more about that in … Continue reading