What Is Your Marriage Teaching Your Children?

An often overlooked area in a marriage is the influence it has upon the children. Have you ever really thought about the message you are sending your children concerning marriage? Marriage isn’t just about two people if you have children. Your marriage is a huge factor in decisions they will make in the future, including what to look for in a mate. How you treat your spouse speaks volumes to our children. If boys see their father as an overbearing, cruel husband…what do you think is going to happen when that little boy grows up? If girls see their mothers … Continue reading

When Children Test Your Marriage

Throughout all the years of my marriage, arguing about the raising of our children has never been an issue. We have always been in agreement. We have the same values and standards. I consider this to be a good thing, since the raising of the children is one of the more common areas that couples argue about. However…well, things have slightly changed now that they are teenagers. Suddenly it’s not so easy. Raising teenagers is like walking a very fine line. Sometimes you really don’t know how to balance the scales. Some things you say yes to, other things you … Continue reading

Don’t Take It Out on Your Husband

Our family is a bit unique, in that my sister married my husband’s brother. So that means my sister is not only my sister but my sister-in-law. Confused? What this also means is that our families see each other a lot. We are so closely intertwined that it can be a blessing but it can also be a challenge. Take Thanksgiving…we have always had a rotation schedule. My sister and brother-in-law host Thanksgiving, while my family hosts Christmas. But this year, for reasons that don’t really matter, we are getting the task of hosting both. The pressure I feel in … Continue reading

Marriage with Benefits

I can’t recall the context in which I heard it but not too long ago the phrase “friends with benefits” was mentioned. I had to stop and think about that for a moment. What I do know about this terminology is it means to have sexual relations without any ties. But I decided to look it up in the urban dictionary for more information. Specifically, it means to not only have a sexual relationship but to have it without being emotionally involved. I suppose this can happen but I find it difficult to believe. Deep down inside there must be … Continue reading

Kim Kardashian Makes a Mockery of Marriage

Not only has Kim Kardashian made a mockery of marriage but she has duped many. Just 72 days into her marriage with NBA star, Kris Humphries, she has filed for divorce. 72 days??? Many are accusing Kardashian of getting married for the sheer publicity. Of course, it didn’t hurt that she also received some freebies and deep discounts for promoting certain products. She even made a ton of money selling pictures of their wedding. According to some, she may have earned as much as $18 million from getting married. Isn’t it usually the other way around, that we spend money … Continue reading

When Your Marriage Faces Parenting Challenges

It’s been an interesting week in our home. There are points in time that everything is going along fairly smoothly. There may be a bump or two in the road, but nothing major. Then suddenly you have a week where all three of your preteen and teen children decide to test the waters or stretch your patience or whatever it may be. Suddenly your marriage finds itself being tested as well. Navigating through the relationship of a husband and wife is challenging enough without throwing into the mix some children. Now you have additional relationships to work through. Then there … Continue reading