Withholding Intimacy in Marriage

Have you fallen into the trap of withholding physical intimacy from your spouse when things aren’t going your way? Do you ever use it as a bargaining tool or as a punishment? This is destructive to the relationship in so many ways. Sex can bring a couple together, both physically and emotionally, like no other act on earth. When each partner participates with love, with a desire to share with the other person, and with the intent to make it a meaningful experience, it can be an amazing balm to the relationship. The husband and wife both feel more peaceful … Continue reading

Do You Schedule Intimacy?

I’m not talking about making time for your spouse. I’m not talking about keeping your romantic relationship a top priority. I’m talking about setting a day on the calendar when you plan to have sex with your spouse. I kid you not, I know people like this. They literally have sex on Monday and Thursday nights right after the husband’s favorite television programs are over. I am, quite frankly, agog at this notion. Okay, I can see that in some ways, for some people, it might work. Maybe their lives are super hectic and that’s the only night when he’s … Continue reading

Listen Up, Men – Flirt!

We’ve talked quite a bit about marital intimacy over the last few months, and I have no doubt that as I talk to readers and listen to their questions, we’ll continue to discuss it. Intimacy is one of those topics that create a lot of discussion. Everyone has questions about it, concerns about it—whether they want to share them in public or not. One of the things I hear most often goes something like this: “I wish my husband would flirt with me more often. He only turns flirtatious when he wants to be intimate, and the rest of the … Continue reading

Weathering the Seasons of Marriage

We go through different seasons in our marriages. Some of them are pretty enjoyable, like the carefree days of summer or the excitement of new things in the spring. But then we also go through seasons where it gets a little more challenging. Here in Wisconsin fall can sometimes feel more like winter and then the snowstorms come and well, it’s kind of bleak and barren. Those are the most difficult times in a marriage. I really, really dislike the unpleasant seasons of marriage. They seem so long; once again I have to compare it to the winters we experience … Continue reading