Top Ten Baby Names of 2014

Is your baby’s name on the list of the top baby names of 2014? It might be exciting to find out. The most popular names in a given year tell us a lot about popular culture at that time. It also can “date” a name to a certain decade when it first became popular. Baby Center puts together a list of the most popular boy’s names, and a list of the most popular girl’s names, every year. Sometimes, a name makes the list because a lot of parents were influenced by something in pop culture. Or, a name might be … Continue reading

Baby Center’s 15 Best Baby Products of 2012

If you are in the process of planning your baby registry, you may want to take note that BabyCenter has released its list of the top fifteen baby products of 2012, as chosen by moms. Who better to offer real life feedback on what works (and doesn’t work) for babies and their parents, and, perhaps more importantly, why. Since parenting is such an individual thing, it only makes sense that there are many products out there to address the needs of different parents with different lifestyles. Of course, it makes it a little harder to pinpoint which products will work … Continue reading

Are Two Naps for Baby Cramping Your Style?

While to many people it might seem ideal to have your baby take two naps a day, it can also cramp you style a little bit. And, by style, I don’t mean your actual style, but I mean that it can make outside activities, playdates, errands, and chores a little bit difficult. I have said before that I love schedules. But, when babies take two naps a day, that makes the schedule very tight. You have a couple of hours to run errands or do outside activities in the morning, a couple in the afternoon, and then a few in … Continue reading

Record-Breaking Baby Daddy

If guys could get pregnant, I’m pretty sure Desmond Hatchett wouldn’t be making headlines for fathering 30 children. And I’m not talking about Duggar-style procreating. The infamous sperm donor, whom Dr. Drew calls a “menace to society,” has 30 children by 11 different women. Hatchett briefly caught the eye of the media back in 2009 when his notorious spawning tally stood at 21 children. Now, the 33-year-old baby daddy is back in the news, and it’s not because he has since added nine more children to his brood. According to reports, Hatchett is begging the state of Tennessee to help … Continue reading

Could Your Baby’s Identity Be Stolen?

I was shocked when I heard a news story a while back about a girl going to get credit for the first time at 18 years old only to find out that her identity had been stolen when she was a baby. These people that had stolen her identity had racked up literally hundreds of thousands of debt on her social security number. If you think that there is no way this could happen to your child, think again. The truth is that your child’s identity is more likely to be stolen than your own. How do they do it? … Continue reading

Returning to Work After Bringing Home Your Baby

After the birth of a new baby, home – based professional parents have quite a job to do. Whether they are welcoming their first child or a sibling, the first thing that they must do is get settled in to their new family structure and re – learn how to get through each day. Babies are small and cute, but they have big needs which can make for some very big changes in the way that a household runs from day to day. Once everything has settled down a bit, the thoughts of a home – based professional parent usually … Continue reading

A Little Sleep Makes a Huge Difference

It’s amazing the difference one bad night of sleep can have on my mommying skills versus a good one. The night before last was very very bad. Last night was a good, or I should say, typical night for me and my newborn. Did you know that the definition for “sleeping through the night” is actually 5 hours of consecutive sleep by a baby? Some parents fool themselves into thinking that a baby should be sleeping through the night when their other mommy friends brag about their super sleeping babies. But, we have to be careful to define what they … Continue reading

Best Books for Baby

Books open up a new world. The concept is not lost on a baby or toddler. Little ones love to explore through books. I remember when my children were little and would sit and look through board books for what seemed like hours. Having a chubby little hand place the same book in your lap night after night is one of the joys of parenting. Board books are wonderful since they fit nicely in little hands and can stand up to abuse. The selections of board books are growing from classics to beautifully interactive books. I always have a hard … Continue reading

What Makes A Family

My daughter used to be an only child. I’ve always felt a little guilty about that. Sometimes it made me sad that she didn’t have siblings. I have four siblings, two brothers and two sisters, they were the best part of growing up. Even though we drove each other crazy, they were always there for me. It made me sad that Hailey wouldn’t know that love. When Hailey turned 15 her Dad gave her a sister. It was a very hard time for Hailey, she had gotten used to being an only child, and she was definitely ok with being … Continue reading

Scary Trends in Baby Names

Leave it to Americans to find yet another way to immortalize pregnant teens. Just when you thought paying 16 year olds cold, hard cash to allow TV cameras to follow their every move as new parents was something to cringe about, now the government reveals that the young reality TV stars have some of the hottest names in the country. According to the Social Security Administration, the stars from MTV’s mega-popular show “Teen Mom,” are among the hottest trending names in the United States. Scary! I wish I were joking, but facts are facts. The Social Security Administration just released … Continue reading