Who Sets the Agenda in Marriage?

Having your own agenda can be problematic in a marriage. It often means you are so focused on what you want to do and achieve that you ignore the feelings of those closest to you, which is you spouse and family. Where two people in a marriage each have their own agenda, it can then becomes a contest of wills to see who will prevail or it ends up in the man and woman living independent lives that hardly ever connect. This is not what marriage was intended to be. Marriage is meant to be a sharing of ourselves, our … Continue reading

Ask a Homeschooling Blogger: Why Are You So Against Government Involvement?

To all of my readers, On occasion I receive letters either by e-mail or private message telling me how dumb we are for home schooling and how unsocial zed my children will be. I generally ignore them because they are so inflammatory they’re not worth responding to. I am always up for a good debate with well thought out arguments. I’m not interested in name calling. I have finally received a letter that at least to me, seems to be genuinely questioning the home schooling lifestyle as opposed to just writing meaningless dribble to spout off. In fairness, I need … Continue reading

A Conversation You Wish You Had with Your Spouse

Is there a conversation you wish you had had with your spouse? It might be a conversation you wish you’d had with your spouse, or your parents, or another family member. The book I’ve been reading suggested, ‘write down something you wish you’d said with someone close to you but never did.’ In the book the main character, Sophie, looks back at all the ‘honest conversations’ she didn’t have with her ex. Conversations that she believed later might have averted the ‘derailment of their marriage.’ She thought about all the conversations she didn’t have with her parents and with her … Continue reading

Making Assumptions

Making assumptions about what your spouse believes or thinks about things can spell trouble. I read a story recently sent us by a friend about a situation in Papua New Guinea. The men and women were split into two separate groups. Each group was asked what they considered to be the three most important issues to support children at school. Then each group was asked what they thought the other group would say. The men said ‘double classrooms, libraries and teacher houses.’ When asked what the women would say, they assumed the women would say exactly the same as what … Continue reading

Cleaning and Polishing Wood Floors

One of the things that have stumped me the most is caring for our wood floors. We love hardwood floors because of their beauty and the fact that they don’t promote allergies or asthma, the way traditional carpeting does. We had hardwood floors in our last home, and we have them in this one (with the exception of the the family room, the kitchen and the bathrooms). Over the years, I have tried a few different things to get the hardwood floors clean and looking beautiful. When we were showing our home, potential buyers commented on how lovely our floors … Continue reading

Dare to Dream

Do you know your spouse’s dream? Have you ever bothered to find out what they’d really like to do if they had the chance? If you do know are you supporting them and helping them to realize that dream? When Mick and I went and saw ‘The Bucket List’ one of the things that struck me was how Carter Chambers ended up having a list of things he dreamt of achieving before he died – a list his wife neither knew about nor understood. He’d been married to the same woman for many years and she apparently had no idea … Continue reading

What Would You Do For Love of Your Spouse?

What would you do for love? Sometimes it might be crazy thing. Or it might be giving up of your time to support your spouse and do something that is important or interesting to them. Yesterday we were at an Australia Day ceremony where a number of immigrants had decided to become Australian citizens. It was lovely to see their families supporting them. Just as important to me was that Mick went with me. Our choir was singing as we usually do at the Australia Day ceremony. We were supposed to sing at 12 but had to be there earlier … Continue reading

Marriage in the News: Covenant Marriages & Texas Legislation

This seems like some heavy subject material to bring up this morning, but this landed in my inbox and I couldn’t help but bring it up for discussion. Recently, I talked about the proposed marriage license legislation in Nebraska. The legislation proposes that for every couple who goes through 10 hours of marriage education then they would only need to pay $30 for a marriage license and if they don’t take the class, then they’ll need to pay $100 for their marriage license. I thought the idea was worth exploring as a model for its effect on marriage. I still … Continue reading

Are Christians called to be Tolerant?

What do you think? When I read about Jesus I see a man that accepted those who wanted Him. Though He did accept them where they were, He did not condone their sin. Take for example John 8:1-11. The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman who was engaging in adultery. Jesus told them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” Of course the accusers left. None of us are without sin. Jesus followed up saying to the woman, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Jesus acknowledged … Continue reading

The Definitive Disney – Do You Know The Whole Story?

I love biographies. Neil Gabler’s Walt Disney: The Triumph the American Imagination is not small exception. This is not a small book, by any standard – in fact, the book is 633 pages of text and contains more than 200 pages of bibliography, notes and acknowledgements. Walt Disney was born in 1901 and he died in 1966 and over the years there are numerous articles and books that have been written about him. His life and his work continue to inspire generations 4 decades after his death. Gabler’s book captures this legacy and views Disney in a far more complex … Continue reading