Amazon Go Might Change How You Grocery Shop

Everyone has to go grocery shopping sometime. Your family might go once a month and stock up on bulk items. Or, you could be among those who go grocery shopping once a week. Parents realize that grocery shopping can be difficult if you must wait in a long line with a toddler. Amazon Go might change how your family shops for groceries. Amazon Go describes itself as “the world’s most advanced shopping technology”. It promises there will be no lines to wait in and no checkout area to deal with. Shoppers simply grab the products they need – and go. … Continue reading

How School Dress Codes Can Harm Your Daughter’s Education

Does the school your children attend have a dress code? Many of them do. Some schools opt for a specific, very limited, dress code. Others are a little less stringent. While a dress code might annoy your son, school dress codes can harm your daughter’s education. Here are some things for parents to watch out for. Ideally, a school dress code is designed to equalize students. Everyone has to wear the same type of uniform, with limited variations. (Typical variations include skirts for girls and pants for boys). Schools might choose to only allow clothing of specific colors. The goal … Continue reading

Is it Ever Ok to Bribe your Kids?

How do you get your children to do what you want them to? What do you do to encourage them to do certain things and to refrain from doing other things? Many parents have, at least sometimes, resorted to bribing their children. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Is it ever ok to bribe your kids? New findings reveal some interesting answers to these questions. First, it would be helpful to figure out what a bribe is (and what it isn’t). Author Ellen Perry points out that there is a continuum to be aware of. Motivation is one one end, … Continue reading

Swapdom Lets you Swap Kids Clothes with other Parents

Are you looking for used baby items? The traditional way to find them is to ask your friends and neighbors if they are willing to give you the baby items that their children have grown out of. This method is generally “hit or miss” and requires a bit of networking skills. offers a more efficient method for finding free baby items. There are many different methods that a parent can use if he or she is looking for free baby clothing (and other baby items). You could let your family members, friends, and co-workers know that you are in … Continue reading

Should You Create A Birth Plan?

Should you create a birth plan?  It can be a helpful tool for making your wishes known both to your healthcare provider and the labor & delivery staff, but it also seems a little silly to plan something like one’s labor: after all, if we could control it, we would all have easy births. When I first heard about birth plans, I decided that they weren’t for me.  I’m a very Type A person; I get stressed if even my silliest of plans get messed up, if they’re ones I’m excited about.  Trying to plan my baby’s birth, and everything … Continue reading

When You Can’t Fix It

When things go terribly wrong, young children typically take solace in their parents’ consolations.  They want to know that everything will be okay and that their setback, pain or discomfort is temporary.  However, as kids age the tide can change.  Sometimes when bad comes knocking tweens and teens don’t want to hear that all will be well, that they should “get over it,” or that so-and-so has it much worse.  Rather, they want you to agree their situation sucks and allow them to macerate in their misery for a while. Moms especially are prone to wanting to fix all the … Continue reading

Illinois has Insurance Exchange Approved

The Department of Health and Human Services has granted conditional approval for Illinois’ plan for a health insurance exchange. The state will have an exchange that is a federal-state partnership. In this blog, I also have an update about what each state is doing with their exchange. On February 13, 2013, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, announced that the state of Illinois has been granted conditional approval for their plan to operate a health insurance exchange. The state has decided to create a partnership exchange. This means it will be run, in part, by … Continue reading

Fewer Young Adults Lacked Health Insurance in 2012

Gallup does polls about all kinds of things. They ask people specific questions, and keep track of the answers. According to Gallup, fewer young adults in the United States lacked health insurance coverage in 2012 than that age group did in previous years. In 2010, a specific provision of the Affordable Care Act went into affect. As of September 23, 2010, young adults who were between the ages of 18 and 26 were able to be covered by their parent’s health insurance policies. Previous to this health reform law, insurers were only allowing parents to include coverage for their children … Continue reading

Change can be Good

When you have your own business, you may find that after a time of offering the same products and services for a while you want to try something different. One great thing about owning your own business is that you are able to change the types of products and services that you offer whenever you would like to. I am in the process of changing some of the services that I offer through my two home – based businesses and so far, things are going well. One change that I am making with my law practice is that I am … Continue reading

Ways to Save on Your Homeowners Insurance

Want to lower your homeowners insurance premiums? Of course, you do! No matter what you are currently paying, your life would be a little bit easier if your premium was lower. Compass Insurance Agency has some advice about things you can do that could result in a lower homeowners insurance premium. When it comes to insurance premiums, it is all about risk. Insurers want to find customers who are low risk. The reason comes down to cost. If your homeowners insurance company considers you to be a high risk, they will probably charge you a higher premium to compensate on … Continue reading