Fitness Journal – Sleep – Part 4

So far we have talked about creating a fitness journal which keeps track of your eating and exercise. Some may leave it at that. You may look as those two areas as being the only important ones when it comes to fitness. But fitness extends beyond that. Overall good fitness can only be had when we take a good look at every area, including our sleep. Sleep is vital. I really don’t get impressed when people tell me how little sleep they get because they are so busy or they have this and that to do. I value my sleep. … Continue reading

Marriage and the New Year

I don’t know what makes me so popular today, but here it is, only nine thirty in the morning, and I’ve already received e-mails from two young people who are getting married, one next week and the other in March. Coincidentally, or perhaps not, my conversation with each had to do with goal setting and how to incorporate their new spouse in to their goals. I remember when I was contemplating marriage—how hard it was for me to get used to the idea that I wasn’t going to be an individual anymore, but part of a team—and how I had … Continue reading

Emotional Fitness

I discovered something new and very fulfilling to do while I am walking on my treadmill. I pray. Even if prayer isn’t your thing, you might find meditation or just thinking to be great ways to spend time walking on your treadmill. Here’s why I like to pray while walking on my treadmill. I find that when I am walking my mind is less cluttered. I’m not keeping busy with a million activities. I’m just walking and so that requires my mind to settle somewhere. When I walk and pray, I think of all kinds of situations that are weighing … Continue reading

Burning Up the Calories with Boot Camp Fitness

If you think that you need to spend mega bucks getting in shape with a fancy gym membership, think again. A gym membership is a great luxury with all those great machines at your fingertips, but most of us do not have the extra dollars that it takes to maintain a gym membership. A fantastic way to burn up those calories in a hurry is simple, yet effective. Boot camp fitness. Boot camp fitness is just what it says. These are the exercises that have been used for years that give us the results that we want without spending a … Continue reading

Fitness Dating

Let’s face it. Life is busy. You have to work. You want to spend time with your family. You want to stay fit and healthy so working out and getting adequate nutrition is important. If you are single you will understand it when I say, “Who has time to date?” You would like companionship, but find it too difficult with all the other things that you need to do in your life. Isn’t the whole idea or at least a good portion of finding companionship is finding someone with like interests? At Fitness Singles you can now find a partner … Continue reading

Holidays and Fitness

With the holidays just around the corner, it is more important than ever to be extra diligent regarding your fitness routine. It is so easy to overeat and slack off during this time of the year. With all of the scrumptious foods and chaos that the holidays entail we find it too easy to overeat and not find time to exercise. Cooking, baking, shopping and holiday gatherings take up a great deal of our time that some people tend to put exercise on the back burner. It is a busy time and important to spend time with the people that … Continue reading

Causes of a Sexless Marriage

There are more of them out there than we might think. Long time married people who are living a sexless marriage. While a loving marriage may be had without sex, I am sure that many will agree with me when I say that sex and physical intimacy should definitely be a part of marriage and can strengthen it. While sex in marriage is private, it is also something that a couple should not be ashamed about and should seek help if needed. As one of my favorite lines from the movie Moonstruck is said when an older couple goes about … Continue reading

Causes of Marriage Break Ups

Opposites attract but only up to a point. According to Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott,one of the main reasons many couples break up is that they have not enough in common. This can happen early in a marriage or even sometimes, as it seems recently in growing numbers, after the children have moved out of home. Couples find they have nothing in common. Nothing left to talk about. A solution to this might be to take up a hobby or sport together. Before I broke my arm which has out me put of action for months, Mick and I played … Continue reading

What Works on the Court and in Marriage

Playing tennis can teach us something about marriage. When Mick and I partner each other at tennis and the opposition drops a short ball I tend to say ‘up, up, up’. He always found it helpful when we played competition tennis. The number of ‘ups’ was indicative of how fast he needed to move on the court. Even though we’re playing social tennis now and enjoy it, we’re still out there to try and win. Throughout the game we encourage each one when one of us hits a good shot and encourage each other to keep going when either of … Continue reading

Money Strategies That Worked in Our Marriage

Today I’ll tell you some ways we approached the money issue in marriage. Mick and I always worked out our finances together. There were no secrets, except for the ones around Christmas, anniversary or birthdays. The main thing is to work out a budget and stick to it. But each person should have a little mad money they didn’t have to explain. This can be spent on clothes, saved for gifts, or used for whatever. Shop less regularly for groceries. We grocery shop once a month. Unfortunately fruit and vegetables have to be more often but stick to only that. … Continue reading