Are You Too Critical?

How often do you start the day with a morning lecture? My 8-year-old daughter’s answer:  “Too many!” She’s probably right. If she asks for help locating her backpack, I spend five minutes “suggesting” that she hang it in the back hall where she can easily find it. If she complains about taking the same home lunch to school every day I “propose” that she expand her palate because there’s only so much I can do with strawberries, crackers and plain chicken. When she whines about not having enough time to eat a leisurely breakfast before school I “recommend” moving up … Continue reading

Modeling Patience

Patience is a virtue… or so I’ve heard. Delayed gratification has been a huge topic in my family’s home, especially since we flipped the calendar to 2013. Three words: New Year’s resolutions.  Make that six:  Failing to keep New Year’s resolutions… especially the ones that challenge you to delay a reward. That’s us. And by us, I mean me.  Well, me and my 8-year-old.  But, she didn’t resolve to be more patient in 2013.  That was my Christmas wish that she didn’t deliver. Of course, if I listened to the experts, I would have known that resolving to lose weight … Continue reading

Modeling Good Behavior

I always try to remember that as a single mother I am the person who serves as an example to my child more than anyone else. Everything I do, Hailey sees, everything I say, she hears. It’s important that I always set a good example. Many times we don’t give a second thought to the things we do, a cashier gives us too much change, we don’t’ say anything. A waiter doesn’t charge us for our appetizer, we don’t say anything. We are in a hurry so we cut in line. Maybe we are on the phone complaining to a … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About Reading: Be a Cool Reader

Do you want to get your kids excited about reading? If so, get ready for the countdown: ten days of ideas that will get you and yours into reading! You’ve always wanted to be a model. Thankfully, this modeling gig requires very few runway-strutting skills and a lot of books. That’s right: you too can be a reading model. From the beginning, show your children that reading is worthwhile. It’s all too tempting to do the things that need to be done around the house and forget to sit down and read. I get that. I do it all of … Continue reading

What Are You Modeling?

Yesterday I wrote a little about raising a moral child. The more I think about it the more aware I become that although we all want to raise our children to be incredible human beings, there are so many things we do every day that undermine that. Some of the things I’ve seen and heard, and yes, I am guilty of some of these myself, that go directly against what we want our children to learn, and who we want them to be. “Well, your teacher is dumb to give you homework on a holiday weekend.” “Your father only thinks … Continue reading

Are you making your kids weird?

Are you making your kids weird? I know I am. I love to travel. All year, I save so that I can go on wonderful trips. I’m not a big spender on things, but I love to spend on experiences. My daughter likes to travel too, and I enjoy taking her with me. We get to have adventures together, and they’re very educational of course. We’ve learned about the tropical rainforest by going there and walking through it. Most recently, we’ve explored great European works of art (and yes, ice cream and lots of carousels) by traveling through Italy and … Continue reading

If You Want An Organized House, You Have To Make A Few Messes

Is it just me or do you have to make a mess to get things organized? Since Hailey moved out a week ago I’ve been rethinking the use of my house. When I bought this house almost four years ago I had big plans. Although it was a big house for just the two of us, I was an optimist, I believed that soon I would get married again and this house would be big enough for everyone. Now it’s just Clementine and I and I need to figure out what to do with all this house! Due to the … Continue reading

How Was Your Black Friday?

Yesterday, my husband and I went out shopping for Black Friday. We did not leave the house until almost noon, but we were okay with that. My husband actually went out twice; the first outing was a spur of the moment trip with his brother on Thursday night around ten. His brother had never done the Black Friday thing before, and they had found a couple of items that they were interested in while they were checking out the ads after Thanksgiving dinner. I was still awake, doing my writing work when my husband returned home with just a couple … Continue reading

Discipling Young Hearts: Virtue

Virtue is defined as moral excellence. From virtue a princess’s character and actions will reflect Christ. It is where all over character traits and right actions hinge. Yet being virtuous is not always the easy choice and will at times take courage to set faith into action. God places virtue as more valuable than wealth. Worldly wealth is temporary and does not please God. A virtuous life is one that pleases the Lord and lives eternally. Virtue is not to be defined by the world but defined by moral excellence rooted in the Word of God. A virtuous heart makes … Continue reading

Know Yourself

Before you can hope to have a great marriage and a lasting relationship, you have to know not only your partner but yourself. You have to know what things you can cope with and what will drive you up the wall. I admit, because of something that’s happened recently, not in my marriage but in a community organization I belong to, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching, so to speak. In the process I’ve realized a few things about myself. I may not always like what I see, and I don’t at times, but I realize there are … Continue reading