Destination Weddings: Do or Don’t?

Writing about Disney Cruise Weddings/Vow Ceremonies made me think about destination weddings.  Given that I wanted my wedding to be as small and simple as possible, it’s difficult for me to relate to those interested in having a destination wedding. For me, the concept only seems to make sense if the bride or the groom actually hails from the area in which they’re getting married.  Maybe he or she was born abroad, or on the other side of the country.  It’s one thing to ask your guests to spend a lot on travel expenses just because you want to get … Continue reading

Four Terrifying Marriage Proposals

While surfing on the Internet I found a list of the “scariest marriage proposals” compiled by MSN. Given that this was just before Halloween, I thought they would have a spooky vibe. Well, I was wrong, though they were certainly scary. The four real-life marriage proposals were as follows: 1) A pilot took his girlfriend up for a ride in his small plane, pretended they were crashing, and handed his girlfriend an emergency checklist. His proposal was written on the list: “initiate ring engagement procedure.” 2) A stuntman faked a car crash and his subsequent death. His girlfriend was called … Continue reading

For The Love of Weddings

Genealogists love weddings. Attending a wedding is a joyful event in and of itself, but for genealogists, it holds the promise of making new connections and unearthing new information about the happy couple and the families that are joining together as a result of their union. Weddings provide a wonderful opportunity to get to know the new additions to the family and catch up with relatives that you may not have seen in a while. Weddings have come a long way since our the days of our ancestors’ ancestors. Early marriages were sometimes a result of capture, not of choice. … Continue reading

Top Ten Wedding Planning Articles of 2006

Several months ago, I started incorporating wedding planning articles into the marriage blog and from those days we’ve since grown that area of discussion to include dating, engagements, proposals and every facet of wedding planning that we could from the bridal shower to the bachelor party to themes for the wedding to the ceremonies themselves. It’s hard to look back at the past year without wanting to look for the ten best articles to come from that wedding planning area of our library. So without further ado, here are my picks for the ten best wedding planning articles of 2006. … Continue reading

Adrianna’s Odyssey

Of all the required reading I was assigned in high school English, one classic in particular endures to this day among my all time favorite stories: Homer’s The Odyssey. I got to thinking about it when I was trying to come up with something to write in the Marriage Blog in honor of Veteran’s Day. Adrianna and Gordon It all started last week when Jade sent me the link to an article from the New York Times by Michael Winerip titled “Parenting/The Home Front: For Young Newlyweds, a Life Deferred by War.” It was about a girl named Adrianna (17) … Continue reading

Talk Shows and Relationships

In most cases, one should put little truth in the things that are seen and heard on television, radio, and online. Much of what we see is made up for the public’s entertainment. However some shows, such as reality shows and talk shows claim to be true. These shows often discuss several different situations involving relationships. In some shows, guests are allowed to bring their mates on to the set to reveal or confess a secret. Jerry Springer is a very common host that often ahs secrets revealed to guests. In most cases, the secrets revealed on his show are … Continue reading

Shopping for Engagement Rings: Go With or Be Surprised?

Admit it, if you’re a woman at some point in your life you’ve had the fantasy: the dream of how your knight in shining armor was going to propose. How did you envision it? Let me share a tale of two proposals. One that really happened and another that never came to pass… The Proposal That Never Was I never imagined all the details, like the where, how, or when. Not down to specifics. I didn’t even include a down-on-one-knee vision. I did sort of expect food to somehow factor into play, but that’s just me. I always associate any … Continue reading

Interpreting Paper: A Tale of a First Year Anniversary Gift

When Wayne and I lived in Jacksonville we became close friends with another couple named Thais (pronounced Thai, like the country, and “eese” as in “geese”) and Wladmir (his parents were Polish so his name’s spelled with a W but is pronounced with a V, as in Vlad). Thais and Wlad They had moved from Brazil to Jacksonville a year or two before Wayne and I. They weren’t married when they first got there. They had known each other since Thais was about 15 because she was good friends with Wlad’s younger sister. But it wasn’t until almost 10 years … Continue reading

What Does a Ring Mean?

Unfortunately sometime right after the Fourth of July, the diamond fell out of my engagement ring. I am not aware of when or where it fell. I was carrying out my daily routines and looked down and noticed that it was gone. My very first thought when I saw the empty hull was panic. Of course I began looking around everywhere assuming that it had just then fallen out of the casing. However, that idea was completely false. My next step was to begin backtracking all of my day’s events and even returning to a couple of stores that I … Continue reading

Television Wasn’t Very Supportive of Marriage This Season

It’s June, which means the standard television season is over and done with. There are a few shows to look forward over the summer, but for the most part the 2006-07 television season is over and done with. Marriage wasn’t too popular or well done during this year’s television season. From reality television’s The Real Wedding Crashers to Marriage 911 to the fictional Rules of Engagement, Desperate Housewives and ’Til Death — marriage didn’t come off as a healthy or happy institution this year. There’s a reason for that – as many marketing promoters will tell you – happy marriages … Continue reading