Should Toys be in Kindergarten Classrooms?

As many of you know, I have taught kindergarten for the past three years. During the past three years, I have learned that kindergarten is in a world of its own. Many in-services and workshops are not practical for kindergarten students. Many rules and procedures hold exceptions for kindergarten students. Classroom supply needs are also different. I recently received my state and federal funding for supplies. The bulk of kindergarten needs consists of construction paper, markers, crayons, and scissors. However, I found myself venturing down the toy aisle at Wal-Mart searching for dolls and cars. In my room I have … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review – May 21 – May 25

What a week here in the Marriage Blog and what a week for many couples around the country who saw the school year ending and got ready to launch their summer vacations. Summer vacations for couples can provide a lot of opportunities and challenges. We’re going to take a look at those in the common weeks as well as our focus on weddings just in time for June. Also, don’t forget, this summer also plays host to the lucky day that many brides and grooms are looking forward to on July 7, 2007 – or 777 as they call it. … Continue reading

We Did It – She Graduated Kindergarten

Yesterday was a very poignant day for me. Karri spoke a few weeks ago about Kindergarten graduations and I have to admit that while I don’t totally disagree with the idea of celebrating mediocrity as we mark these days of passing from the K hallway to the 1st grade hallway – it was still a wonderful and it was sad and it was fun and I laughed and I wanted to cry. My husband described it as a great moment; a moment that said not only is she a school age child, but that she’s done. She’s no longer a … Continue reading

Bucket List For Parents

As I may have whined about a time or two on here, my daughter is getting ready to move into her own place. I’m not ready, there are still so many things I want to do, so much that I’m sure I missed, I want to go back and have a do over. Our kids grow up so quickly one day you are elbow deep in diapers and the next they are in kindergarten and before you know they’ve graduated and are getting on with their lives. Well, it may be too late for me to do that but it’s … Continue reading

The Conclusion to My Big Time Mess Up As a Parent

My fellow blogger Michele Cheplic, reminded me of an unfinished end to a blog I had written about a huge mistake I had made with my daughter. There was an uncertainty to her future and where she would end up for high school. To recap, the county I live in has a terrible school system. It gets worse by the time children make it to high school. So my boys were put into another school district by what is called “open enrollment.” When it came time to sign my daughter up for open enrollment, I apparently failed to put on … Continue reading

Questions about Graduations

Near the end of the school year, many graduations are planned. Students are graduating from preschool, kindergarten, eighth grade, high school, and college. Others are graduating from nursing school, master’s degrees, beauty colleges, and more. In some previous articles, I have discussed the pros and cons of having so many graduations in a child’s academic career. Some people feel that the number of graduations that take place in the early years take away from the meaning that latter graduations serve. Others feel that the early year graduations are cute, enjoyable, and should be continued. Graduations of all types are carried … Continue reading

Harvard Graduation Ticket Prices Soar!

The popularity of education has taken a new turn with a recent story that I came across while web-surfing. It seems that tickets for one university graduation may be the lastest demand. Have you checked Ebay lately for Harvard graduation tickets? You might should. They have shown up for sale on Students at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts are given a set number of tickets each year to give out to family and friends. The tickets are to be used for supporting graduating loved ones. Tickets are given out to help control the number of people that attend. The … Continue reading

Too Many Cheers at Graduation

A graduation of any kind is a joyous time. In most cases, family and friends attend to cheer on and support their graduating loved ones. However, five students at Galesburg High School in Illinois received much unneeded and undesired support from their guests. I came across this story and found it to be a very controversial issue. The policy at Galesburg High School prohibits cheering at the graduation ceremony. Students and parents were required to sign a statement saying that they would not cause a disturbance at the commencement ceremony. The school’s policy was created after the graduation ceremony of … Continue reading