My Favorite Television Moms

First of all, Happy Mother’s Day! Now, let’s get down to the business of this blog – my favorite television mothers! Television has been around for a while, so I have about 60 or so years of shows from which to choose. If I left out one of your favorites, please let me know! 10. Florida Evans – “Good Times” Oh sure, you might not be living in the lap of luxury, but you would sure have a lot of love. Florida showed her love for J.J., Thelma, and Michael all the time, but she wasn’t afraid to offer them … Continue reading

My Top 5 Animal Loving Role Models

For National Inspirational Role Model Month (which November is) over in Marriage I wrote about my favorite TV wives as role models from the 1950s thru the 1970s and 1980s thru the present. Here in Pets I’d like to do something similar: list those people involved with animals who influenced me to love and care for them like I do. 1. My dad, Ralph Mroch: My dad’s got to have one of the most tender hearts towards animals of anyone in my family. As I wrote about in Where My Compassion for Animals Comes From, I get my love of … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: November 5- November 11

The marriage topics discussed this week have brought in both the comments and the viewers. Courtney and I work hard to bring you topics of interest and fun. Monday, November 5 The Amazing Race and Your Marriage In this article, Courtney compares marriage to the television show The Amazing Race. She discusses what we can learn from watching others. She also found out that she and Wayne are not alone in their actions. Is Your Marriage All about the Children? After children it is easy to lose focus of being husband and wife and begin only to be parents. However … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1980s-Present Day

So far I listed my favorite TV role model wives from the 1950s to the 1970s. This list takes us through the eighties to current times. 1980s • Elyse Keaton (Family Ties): Her down to earth demeanor and strength of conviction helped her be the beacon her husband and kids turned to for guidance through rough waters. • Jennifer Hart (Hart to Hart): She was glamorous, stunning, stylish, and smart and she got to have all these amazing adventures catching bad guys with her dashing, devoted husband. • Roseanne Connor (Roseanne): This one straddles both the eighties and nineties since … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1950s-1970s

Since November is National Inspirational Role Model Month, I thought it’d be fun to list some television wives I’ve admired over the years. Even though they are TV wives, in a TV world where everything’s scripted and a happy ending is assured, there’s wisdom and inspiration to be gleaned from their foibles, mishaps, and messes nonetheless. Because conflict, confrontation, and duress are guaranteed at some point during the half hour or hour time slot in which their shows run. That’s what makes it entertaining: to see how they’ll deal with, and eventually overcome, the problems they’re faced with. I’ve listed … Continue reading