Short Term Contract Marriages?

Will we soon see short term contract marriages? Will we see couples contracting to marry for three years or five years, and then with an option to renew, instead of till death us do part? That’s the question Mick raised recently. And no, I don’t for a moment think he’s ready to trade me in or regretting ours is a life contract. It’s more a reflection of the way society is going. We live in a disposable society. Most major appliance manufacturers tell you they have a life of around 5-8 years – a situation I find laughable. Who can … Continue reading

TV and Marriage

Is TV affecting the state of our marriages today? This was a question Mick posed when we were watching a TV show recently. His comment was ‘maybe people see so much of this sort of thing on TV with so many marriages breaking up so easily or being abusive and negative situations that they think that’s what marriage is.’ It’s a fair comment. For example can you think of any current TV show that presents a happily married couple that is in a loving and stable long term marriage? Off hand I can’t think of one. Turn on practically any … Continue reading

“The Baby Borrowers” Shows How Children Affect Marriages

As I wrote about in another article discussing reality TV shows, I’m nuts for a lot of them. Another show I’ve been watching with some interest this summer is “The Baby Borrowers”. “It’s not just television, it’s birth control.” I may not have that tagline exactly correct, but it’s close. A quick synopsis in case you haven’t been watching: five sets of teenagers who are ready to become parents have agreed to become guinea pigs. Every three days they’re given a new batch of kids to “parent.” It started out with babies, went to toddlers, then pre-teens, then teens, and … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1980s-Present Day

So far I listed my favorite TV role model wives from the 1950s to the 1970s. This list takes us through the eighties to current times. 1980s • Elyse Keaton (Family Ties): Her down to earth demeanor and strength of conviction helped her be the beacon her husband and kids turned to for guidance through rough waters. • Jennifer Hart (Hart to Hart): She was glamorous, stunning, stylish, and smart and she got to have all these amazing adventures catching bad guys with her dashing, devoted husband. • Roseanne Connor (Roseanne): This one straddles both the eighties and nineties since … Continue reading

Making Marriages Last: What’s It Going to Take? My Interview with Mrs. Hawes

I think I may have mentioned before that I’m a fan of a show on Sci Fi called Ghost Hunters. (See: The Things He Does for Love: Ghost Hunting Classes.) Well, as fate would have it, someone very near and dear to one of the show’s stars agreed to an interview: Mrs. Hawes, wife of Jason Hawes, one of the founders of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS). And what better time of year than now to post it! But before I get there, let me explain how it came to be that I approached her for an interview… Some Background … Continue reading

The MTV Curse

Have you heard of the “Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx?” Basically, it’s a belief that an appearance on the magazine’s cover is the kiss of death. In fact, over the years it has been noted that bad things have happened to people soon after they appeared on the cover. Well, move over “Sports Illustrated,” it seems MTV is joining the jinx club. Less than 24 hours ago, yet another MTV reality show couple filed for divorce. PEOPLE magazine is reporting that drummer Travis Barker has filed for divorce from his wife Shanna Moakler. MTV cameras documented the couple’s extravagant wedding and … Continue reading

U.S. Birthrate Increased Due to Older Moms

The overall birthrate in the United States has increased for the first time in seven years. In addition, the birthrate among teens has dropped. Where is the increase coming from? It turns out that the slight increase in births is due to older moms. The Verge reported some data from a report created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Part of the report noted the birthrate in the United States for 2013 and 2014. In 2013, there were 62.5 births per 1,000 women. In 2014, that number slightly increased to 63 births per 1,000 women. The CDC … Continue reading

Does Kate Middleton Have Jewish Heritage?

The internet is an excellent place for rumors, misunderstood facts, and flat out lies to spread exponentially. There have been some people questioning whether or not Kate Middleton had Jewish heritage. How much can you really determine from the surnames of a person’s ancestors? Kate Middleton is the woman whom Prince William married in a huge wedding ceremony earlier this year. She was a commoner, and her family didn’t have a coat of arms until shortly before the Royal Wedding was scheduled. After Prince William and Kate Middleton got married, the couple was given several new titles. She became Her … Continue reading

A Strange Idea of Love

Some people have a strange idea of what love is. Recently Mick and I watched 3 shows. In each case one person was supposedly in love with the other person, yet you wouldn’t have thought so by their behavior. In each case the person was intent on making their partner jealous by flirting with or kissing someone else and by trying to evoke a response from them. In my view, if you love someone you don’t behave like this. It’s the sort of behavior that often happens with young teenagers experimenting with their sexuality and their attraction to and effect … Continue reading

Embracing the “Other Woman”

Over the course of my almost 20 years of marriage, I have come a long way in some areas. While there are of course many areas that still need work, there is one particular place that I have been victorious over and would like to encourage other women about. It is sometimes a joke in movies and television shows…the wife complains about her husband’s interests in sports. Whether it’s a sport he plays in or watches on TV, she finds herself feeling like she is competing for his attention. She can’t understand the obsession with a club, or men running … Continue reading