Happy Helping Husbands

Today I took my kids, including my newest addition, to story time at the public library. My oldest son loves it. I frequently meet other moms there and get a chance to get out of the house and feel a little “normal”. Or at least, as normal as I can with a new baby around. Today I sat next to a Mom and we started chatting. She had 4 kids (twins in the middle) and her youngest was still a baby, although starting to toddle around. During the conversation, she said that she and her husband were going through a … Continue reading

Father and Son Reunite After Three Decades Apart

A couple could decide to get a divorce for a multitude of reasons, but ultimately, it comes down to the fact that at least one person no longer wants to be married to the other person. Obviously, a divorce is going to directly affect the two people who are seeking it, but it also has a direct affect on the children that the couple has together. This can lead to situations where one parent doesn’t see his child for many years. These stories can sometimes have happy endings, however. Just recently, a father and his son were reunited after three … Continue reading

Resolving Conflict in Marriage – part 2

One of the biggest problems, where there is conflict in a marriage, is one person feeling they are not actually being heard. So it is important that you listen and acknowledge your spouse’s feelings. Even if you disagree or think they are misinterpreting events or comments, for the moment keep that to yourself. Just let them know firstly that you love them and are actually hearing what they are saying about how they are feeling. If you are too quick to jump in with your own opinions or own version of events, it will effectively shut them down and they … Continue reading

De-Cluttering your House, Body, and Soul

I am not a minimalist, although I have been accused of being one. My husband and I both don’t like a lot of “stuff”. It could be because we have moved 7 times in our 8 years of marriage. And, frankly, when you have a lot of stuff, you have to move all that stuff, and I hate moving! But, recently, we had an Enrichment meeting at church on how to get organized. It got me thinking about what I could organize better at home. I immediately thought, I have to get rid of some toys because Christmas is coming … Continue reading

The Midnight Visitor and the End of Summer

My husband and I stayed up way too late last night. This is even more true when you consider the fact that our eldest son had to be delivered to his before school Lego Robotics club at 7:30 am, and I needed to get up by 5 am to catch up on work. Still, there was too much to get done around the house. Somewhere about half past midnight, we both met in the family room, to collapse on the couch to talk and zone out for a few minutes of TV in preparation for bed. It wasn’t long before … Continue reading

How Can TV Be Detrimental To Your Marriage?

TV can be a great relaxation or it can be an enemy to your marriage and family life. It all depends on how it is being used. Sometimes there is nothing more relaxing than sitting down in front of the TV or with a DVD and watching a show together. Mick and I did that last night with a movie we had taped to watch at a more convenient time. The movie was, Let’s Do it Again, an old movie with Jane Wyman and Ray Milland. The couple is in the throes of getting divorced when the Jane Wyman character … Continue reading

Celine Dion Expecting Twins and Gary Coleman’s Parents Question Death

Mama Mia – Celine Dion is expecting twins! The singer found out she was pregnant after undergoing a sixth in-vitro fertilization. Her first in-vitro try resulted in she and hubby/manager Rene’s 9-year-old son Rene-Charles, so it has been a long road for the couple. It’s been no secret that Celine and Rene have always wanted more children and the couple has been very public about their pregnancy struggles. Celine had announced last August she was pregnant, but that pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Of the news of the twins, Rene told PEOPLE, “We’re estatic. Celine is just hoping for a healthy … Continue reading

What Marriage Is Like

It’s interesting the way things interconnect. The other day I was reading a novel by Lynne Griffin called Life without Summer. You’ll get some interesting insights about marriage and the way grief affects marriage in this novel. Since the author has been involved in family and social work, I’d suggest it is based on a certain amount of experience and knowledge of the subject. After I’d written a review about it, I went into the author’s website and from there into her Family Life Stories blog where she makes an interesting observation about marriage. ‘To come front and center with … Continue reading

Goals For Marriage

Yesterday we looked at the idea of goal setting and marriage. but what about setting goals for your marriage. Some the goals you might want to consider are: Commit fully to your marriage and make it your goal to have a long, lasting marriage. Make your goal a loving, nurturing environment for family where they can grow and develop. Here are some practical ways you can do this. Make sure you set aside time each day to sit and talk with your spouse, even if it’s only 15 minutes. Make it a goal to never be so involved with work … Continue reading

Predetermining Choices in Marriage

When one person makes most of the choices regarding the wedding, a pattern for the marriage can be set up. In your marriage does one partner determine the marriage choices? Did one person determine where you would live? Or was it a joint decision? It may not be as big a decision as that. It may be in myriad little decisions, like what you do in your free time, what you watch on TV, or what movies you see. Marriage is about give and take. Marriage is a blending together of two people with sometimes different tastes to make one … Continue reading