Christmas Shopping for the Other Woman in Your Child’s Life

What do you get for the person your child spends more waking time with on a daily basis than anyone else on the planet? I’m not referring to your spouse, parent or iCarly. Rather, if your son or daughter is old enough to hit the books, then you are probably racking your brain right now to figure out what to get his teacher for Christmas. I know because I’m struggling too. Finding a material good that expresses your appreciation for the woman (or man), who spends upwards of eight hours a day with your kid, five days a week, can … Continue reading

Can Your Husband Trust You?

Let me ask you a question…can your husband trust you? I’m not talking about in the sense that you won’t cheat on him. Of course, I hope he can trust you in that way. But I’m talking about the “little” stuff, or the stuff that we categorize as being little. Can your husband trust you with the finances? Do you spend without making sure you have the money? Do you spend even when you know you don’t have the money? Do you hide purchases? These are all ways that might demonstrate you can’t be trusted with the finances. Can your … Continue reading

Trusting Your Spouse

As I mentioned before, I have a friend who’s getting married soon, and she’s been full of questions about marriage and how to make relationships work. As we’ve talked, I’ve noticed a common theme in many of my answers to her – the theme of trust. When you agree to marry someone, that is the first big step of trust you take. You’re telling them, “I trust you to be my partner and to take care of my emotional needs.” As you enter into the marriage, you’re telling them, “I trust you to be honest with me and to be … Continue reading

Keep Your PIN Safe

Back in the early 1990s I worked for a large bank in California. I worked for two and a half years on the bank’s 24-hour customer service line. I’ve written before about working as an Express Agent and the types of calls I would get. I got a lot of calls from people who needed help balancing their accounts. I also got calls from customers who had never balanced and felt it was the bank’s fault they were now being charge non-sufficient funds charges and having transactions returned. I’ve also written about how important it is to save your receipts … Continue reading

Who’s’ Driving the Car and Your Marriage?

When you go out with your spouse on a trip do you share the driving or does one person drive all the time? Sometimes what happens in a car can reflect what is happening in a marriage. Mick and I share the driving when we go on a trip – if he starts, then I will drive later and finish or vice versa. The idea being if one starts to get tired then the other takes over. Similarly if one of us isn’t feeling well, the other person would do more than their share of the driving. I know other … Continue reading

Trust Issues in Your Home Business—Part One

When we think of “trust issues” many of us think of our personal relationships—those we have with a partner or spouse, children, or friends and family. Trust issues can also affect our home business operations, however, whether they are issues that we have or ones that are coming toward us from our customers and clients. Writing and talking about trust issues can be sticky. After all, many of us do not even realize what we are wrestling with. We may think we are just being “smart” or preparing ourselves for the inevitable. If we are constantly assuming that our customers … Continue reading

Did You Choose Godparents for Your Baby?

The concept of having godparents comes out of more liturgical traditions such as Catholicism. Different denominations have different “qualifications” for being a godparent. For example, in some churches it is suggested that the godparent be a member of the same church. However, I rather like the concept of having godparents–regardless of whether or not you’re religious and so bear with me for a minute here. Godparents are supposed to take the time necessary to build a special relationship with your child. They are supposed to share with them values and morals and take a vested interest in their lives. Obviously, … Continue reading

Love Notes: Your Top Five Romantic Moments

One of the first things I saw this morning when I got up was a video log of the top five most romantic moments in movie history. Among those moments cited included the fire escape proposal in Pretty Woman, the moment when Rose is riding on the rail with her arms outspread, trusting Jack for the first time in Titanic and the scene where Demi Moore’s character realizes that Sam is really there in Ghost and she hears him say I love you and she says “Ditto.” Romantic Moments I have to say that I agree with their choices. Those … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review: November 11-17

Is it really Saturday already? It seems kind of crazy that we’re already here, when I was just writing up the week in review last week. But here we are. It’s been an eventful week here at the marriage blog as we approach our first anniversary, we also crossed the 1,000th post line and Sherry and I continued our point and counterpoint in Marriage Debates. You’ll see changes taking place over the next week as we close in on Thanksgiving with a little re-organization and the adding of topics here and there. As always, we want to hear from you … Continue reading

Help With Housework

The makers of Scrubbing Bubbles have released the results from their second annual Dirty Work Index. They surveyed 2000 men and women and found that women still do most of the housework and as much as we may complain about that, it doesn’t seem that we are ready to give up the housecleaning limelight. Most women say they want more help around the house but they are not confident that their husbands can clean to their standards so they just do it themselves. Men feel they are helping more around the house but are not getting credit for it, and … Continue reading