Eliminate Food Waste: You Can Eat These

Eliminate food waste by taking advantage of good food that is commonly thrown away. Get some valuable nutrition and save money on your food bill. Here is how. Almost-Expired Eggs Most eggs will last for at least a few days past their expiration date, but if you don’t want to take a chance, try this trick. Boil almost-expired eggs. The hard-boiled eggs can be used as snacks, turned into egg salad, or used to pump up the nutrients in a green salad. Broccoli Stems We buy a lot of fresh broccoli in this house because it is inexpensive, and the … Continue reading

Having the Right Tools

I’m not the kind of person who likes to spend a lot of money. I think about my purchases very carefully and make sure that I’m not just being wasteful. At the same time, I do enjoy having new things. You can only imagine the internal battles I have with myself. Last night, I bought a new laptop. It’s a 15-inch, and it’s really nice. I haven’t the foggiest idea what all the bells and whistles do, and I imagine it will take me a while to get it all figured out, but it will be a fun process. We … Continue reading

Too Valuable To Waste

Yep, we‘ve all seen it in homes of other people, maybe in our own homes the man who sits back and lets his wife do all the dishes. Let me tell you it doesn’t happen in our house. Mick washes the dishes and I dry. Yes, we vaguely toyed with the idea of a dishwasher after we moved, but never went ahead with it. One reason was expense and not having a lot of room. We’d have to lose a kitchen cupboard to put one in. But the more important reason is because that time doing dishes is put to … Continue reading

How Prepared is Well-Prepared (and When is it Too Much?)

John F. Kennedy said “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”—a quaint colloquial way of touting the benefits of preparation. When it comes to our home businesses, few would argue that preparation is not a good thing—but how prepared should we be and when does it cross over into being a waste of valuable time? Personally, I do have a line that once I cross it, my preparation becomes manic and obsessive OR I use “preparation” as a way of avoiding the work that I need to be doing today (how can it be procrastination … Continue reading

Can You Be Too Frugal (2)

There is no such thing in my mind, as being too frugal. In fact, when you look up dictionary.com’s definition for frugal, they pull from other resources to get several definitions. The third listed is my favorite, cited from WordNet. frugal adj : avoiding waste; “an economical meal”; “an economical shopper”; “a frugal farmer”; “a frugal lunch”; “a sparing father and a spending son”; “sparing in their use of heat and light”; “stinting in bestowing gifts”; “thrifty because they remember the great Depression”; “`scotch’ is used only informally” Why do I love this definition so much? Because it points out … Continue reading

Can You Be Too Frugal? (1)

Very often I hear about how frugal I am. And the statement or question, I hear the most often is “Can you be too frugal?”. I choose to address this question, simply because there isn’t a definitive yes or no answer. And because I plan to do a series of articles revolving around organizing all the frugal things you save. A question came in recently that was quite unusual from my typical frugal living questions. I was asked “Why do you choose to write organizing articles in the frugal living area?”. That is a great question actually, and I’d love … Continue reading

Eating Healthy on a Budget

As a single parent money is tight about 99.9% of the time, ok let’s face it, it’s more like 100%. While eating healthy may be important to you, you may think you simply cannot afford it. Don’t worry, most of us feel that way from time to time. Money is scarce and junk food is cheaper. But there are some tricks to make eating healthy affordable, even on a single parent budget. Next time you are at the grocery store try stopping by the deli. Believe it or not, a half pound of cheddar freshly sliced at the deli will … Continue reading

Intentional about Organization

I started off this year with a blog about being intentional about my home-based business. I listed several specific things that I plan on being intentional about, with the first pertaining to organization. Organization is a very important component to a successful home-based business. The more organized you are, the more prepared and on top of things you will be. Nothing is worse than having to search for things, which wastes valuable time. Or finding out that you lost or threw away something that was of importance. So make it your goal this year to be intentional about organization. The … Continue reading

Smarts from Everywhere

So last week I took my big test and I wanted to share something with you. I received (and am very greatful for) a liberal arts education. I was taught a wide variety of subjects for a very long period of time and I’ve found that it only helps in the long run with creative problem solving. Rather than being somewhat restricted to a specialty and perhaps a hobby I have actually had a solid educational introduction (and sometimes more than just an introduction) to a variety of disciplines and fields. Whenever people complain about a science credit I tell … Continue reading

Top Tips for Creating a Birth Plan

Today’s blog topic comes from Elizabeth Stein, a women’s health expert and certified nurse midwife of 25 years. She is also a patient advocate of patient empowerment, so she has put together a list of tips on how to create a birth plan to ensure a positive emotional experience for the mother-to-be, and to give her as much control over her birthing experience as possible. When Ms. Stein’s publicist contacted me to share this list, I just knew I had to share it with you. A birth plan can be a very valuable tool. To learn more about Elizabeth Stein, … Continue reading