Book Review: “My Gift to You” by Lori Nawyn

Trish Ingram has a secret. Beneath the facade of the perfect housewife lies a woman who is emotionally insecure, battling her own feelings of doubt and discouragement, wondering if she’ll ever really measure up to the standards she has placed on herself because of her past. Her need to remain in control at all times has alienated her from her family and friends, who feel that she is reluctant to give of herself. But if she opens up and becomes vulnerable, she’ll get hurt … so she believes. She maintains her distance for her own self-preservation until a good friend, … Continue reading

Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to the 11th Month of the Year!

Can it really be November 1st already? That’s the part about the mad dash towards Halloween that always seems startling, the very next morning it’s November 1st and in my family, that means heading in towards the holidays. What lists we may have compiled, what gifts we may have already purchased or picked up and what plans we may have already made go under the microscope as we get ready for the last eight to nine weeks of the year. In three short weeks, it will be the week of Thanksgiving and on the very last day of the month, … Continue reading

Unhealthy Relationships

Relationships are something we have from the moment we are born until we die. Healthy or unhealthy, our relationships begin with our parents, families, schoolmates, friends and so on. Every one of these relationships can help us, enrich us, and make us better people as well as simply give us joy. Unhealthy relationships rarely promote any of these feelings. Unhealthy relationships can leave us feeling uncomfortable, sad and afraid. It is very difficult for people to let the realization set in that perhaps a friend, co-worker or family member isn’t treating them well or respectful, as they should be. It … Continue reading

Relationship Help

Relationship help can come in many forms. The trick to finding the help that will work for your relationship is discovering what works for the individuals involved. The truth is most problems are created by internal friction, but the friction may come from external sources such as work, school, children and life in general. If a person is experiencing stress in their work life, it often does not cease when they walk out the office door. Instead, like porters at the airport, we are reduced to transporting our baggage without a trolley. When the baggage begins to overwhelm one or … Continue reading

Relationship Rescue

911, relationship rescue required at Maple and Oak Lawn to resuscitate a bored couple who have ceased having anything to talk about and meet more because it’s a habit than out of any real desire. Specialists are en route to the scene now, please stay on the line until they’ve arrived. The above paragraphs seem a bit absurd, but in the age of reality television it’s more likely that somewhere there is a show just like this. With shows like the Bachelor and Wife Swap out there doing cattle calls to create tension or allowing couples to see how good … Continue reading

Relationships are a Two-Person Thing

When two people meet, enjoy each other’s company and find themselves in what we call a relationship there will inevitably come a time when one or both of the couple feel like something is missing. This is as natural to the evolution of relationships as the first date, the first kiss, the first fight and the first make-up. While counseling might be the politically correct way to handle issues that seem beyond a person, the first stop in relationship counseling is to take care of yourself. Relationships are a two-person thing. No person can tell another what is best for … Continue reading

The Marriage Week in Review – October 7 – 13

Another week down in the month of October and just two weeks to go until we arrive in November and the beauty of planning a Holiday Wedding or celebrating an anniversary in what for many people is one of the warmest emotional times of the year. Personally, I can’t wait for Christmas music, but in the meanwhile, we still have Halloween and time change to get through. Be sure to note on your calendars that October 29th is the day time changes and we’ll be rolling the clocks back an hour. Another great benefit to the crisp fall air in … Continue reading

Too Much Emotional Baggage? Consider Unpacking

Do you remember the old question that they used to ask at the airport when you were checking in for your flight? Pre-9/11 the question was always; did you pack your own bags? Has anyone, but you handled your bags prior to arrival here? The correct answer to this question that they were looking for was yes; you packed your own bags. So let me ask you this, did you pack your emotional bags? Has anyone, but you handled your bags prior to getting to where you are right now in life? If you can’t answer yes to these questions, … Continue reading