Seasonal Firefighters Lack Health Insurance

The firefighters who are battling the fires in Colorado right now don’t have health insurance coverage. They are considered to be seasonal workers, which means that they don’t qualify for federal employer sponsored health insurance. Lack of health insurance coverage can bankrupt families. Firefighters are modern day superheroes. They rush in to smoke filled areas and homes, and battle large fires. They do this to protect the lives of people who often are complete strangers to them. They risk their own lives in order to protect the homes and natural resources that are threatened by a forest fire. Seasonal firefighters … Continue reading

‘Tis the Season for Fighting

While Hallmark and Kay Jewelers commercials may try and lead us to believe this is a season of receiving romantic gifts and creating peaceful memories, anyone involved in a real-life relationship knows this can be a season for anything but blissful moments. The holidays add stress. There are extra errands to run, gifts to buy, parties to attend, and schedules to shuffle. Yes, amidst the chaos there are happy times or else no one would sign up for the seasonal celebrations year after year, but there’s also the potential for plenty of chaos and short fuses –and I don’t just … Continue reading

How to Save Money on School Supplies

Tis the season for back to school supplies. Parents everywhere are facing this time with a mixture of joy and dread. The summer will soon be over, and how on earth will they pay for all of the stuff that there kids need? If they are smart, budget-conscious consumers, they may try using the following strategies to bring the cost of needed school supplies down to just pennies on the dollar. Shop Multiple Stores Retail stores are fighting hard to get your back to school dollar, but not all sales are created equal. That is why if you want to … Continue reading

Thanking Our Veterans

I don’t think I had even heard of Veteran’s Day until I was in high school, even then it wasn’t really discussed. I’m a little embarrassed to say I probably wouldn’t have remembered it this year either if it weren’t for the banks being closed tomorrow. This is something I’m not proud of. I want my son to know how important it is to remember our veterans and all they have sacrificed for us and our country. Because Veteran’s Day is often overlooked in school, it is important to teach our children about it while they are at home. We … Continue reading

Weekend Bonding

Tis the season for purging junk from your home and having strangers pay you to get it off your property. See it, hear it, love it or hate it; the rummage sale season is in full swing. In our city, you can’t go a single block without being blinded by dozens of neon-colored signs fighting for space on the corners of busy intersections. Suburbia is littered with trash, treasures, and teamwork. Yes, teamwork. For many families, hosting a rummage sale requires a combined effort by all of its members regardless of age. At least that’s what my neighbors tell me. … Continue reading

Having Trouble Finding a Flu Shot?

While I was out running errands on Saturday, I noticed a sign on the door of the local Rite Aid pharmacy: all flu shot clinics are canceled. It went on to suggest other places where people might be able to find a seasonal flu or swine flu vaccine. It seems like demand for the flu shots is high, and suppliers aren’t able to keep up just yet. More than one friend has mentioned hitting the flu shot clinics and being turned away (in some cases, it’s happened more than once). Part of the problem is that swine flu vaccine manufacturers … Continue reading

“Right Fighters” = Marriage Saboteurs

Yesterday I talked about how, among other things, the season for fighting is upon us. I also ended the article saying I’d examine some ways to fight fairly to ensure any fights you might have this holiday season are good ones, not just big ones –or, more importantly, rehashed ones. I’m actually going to start off by telling you a way not to fight. It has to do with the following quote and an article I wrote several months back about “Right Fighters”, a term I picked up from Dr. Phil. Attachment to being right creates suffering. When you have … Continue reading

Kung Fu Panda (2008)

Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman and some of the best animation to grace the screens in year. Welcome to Kung Fu Panda, DreamWorks’ latest addition to their animation library which features Shrek, The Bee Movie, Madagascar, Shark Tale and so many more. There can be little doubt that DreamWorks Animated SKG will boast a modern animated library to rival Disney. Kung Fu Fighting Panda Po (Black) is a clumsy, oversized panda who spends his time eating and working in his family’s noodle shop. He is an average ‘Po’ who daydreams of being a great Kung Fu Master. Imagine his … Continue reading

This Week in History – 1982

Woohoo, it is 1982…again. Let’s go back in time and see what was happening during the week of April 1, 1982: The Oscars were held and Chariots of Fire won Best Picture. Henry Fonda won his first Oscar at the age of 76 for his role in On Golden Pond (although he did get an honorary Oscar the year before. Fittingly enough, movie legend Katharine Hepburn also won an Oscar that year for On Golden Pond. Warren Beatty won Best Director for Reds. Who was the Oscar host? None other than Johnny Carson! Having just lost co-star and good friend … Continue reading

A Link Between Obesity and Your Immune System?

Scientists from the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Boston Medical Center are looking at a possible link between obesity and immune system function. Previous research has found that obese people are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease than lean people. This new study looked at why. Researchers worked with laboratory mice — some who were obese and some who were lean and healthy. The mice were infected with a bacterium that causes periodontal disease (porphyromonas gingivalis). The obese mice were more susceptible to gum disease and had a blunted immune system reaction to the infection. Ten … Continue reading