Tips for Married Life After Baby

Yesterday we looked at how some new Moms abdicate from normal life when baby arrives. Here are helpful tips and ways we went about preventing this. From the time my children were born, I got them used to noise. The radio or music was always on. We never tiptoed round the house when baby was asleep. They learned to get used to everyday noise. I still went out to tennis, to bible study, to whatever I was involved in. Our daughter was five days old when my husband and I took her to Sunday school with us, where we were … Continue reading


Miscarriage or a baby still born is one of those things many of us have experienced. It’s also something people are often reluctant to talk about. Sometimes that attitude can be a defense mechanism. I know when I was a young married and miscarried the last thing I wanted to do was talk about it. I couldn’t handle people’s sympathy. It was easier not to think about it and to try and pretend it had never happened. Easier at the time perhaps but looking back I realize it was far from helpful. When there is a miscarriage or a child … Continue reading

Children Can Cause Problems

Children can be a great blessing, but they can also cause problems between you and your spouse if you are not careful. Children are very quick to pick up on ways to play one parent off against the other. It’s not just something that happens in a blended family but in any family. Talking to friends recently, one remarked that most of their arguments were about the children. Even in a couple there will be different ideas about what appropriate behavior is and what it is not. A lot of that might depend on the way you or your spouse … Continue reading

Would You Want to Know?

Married couples these days having their first baby are faced with choices that simply didn’t exist years ago. Once upon a time when a woman announced she was pregnant, everybody had an opinion as to whether the baby was a boy or a girl. Old wives tales abounded about how to tell the sex of the baby. They included dangling a coin over the pregnant woman’s tummy and seeing which way it moved. That was just one of the myriad old wives tales my extended family came up with. But then, they had an endless supply of old wives tales … Continue reading

Obsession Can Destroy Marriage

A new baby can make a huge difference to a marriage but it doesn’t have to. Much depends on the new mother and her attitudes and those of her husband. One of the things that struck me over Christmas was watching parents, who had their tiny babies at the huge carols services in the Domain in Sydney and the Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne. Those little babies were about among the crowd and the noise and color, yet so many of them were asleep in their parents’ arms. Contrast this with the new mother who is so obsessed she will … Continue reading

Solutions for The Troublesome Tongue

Yesterday I talked about the dangers of the tongue in marriage relationships. All too often that is our spouse or family- the people we should be closest to that come in for the brunt of it. Surely this is a good reason then for us to learn to temper our tongues. It might well be an interesting idea for a married couple to do a bible study together about the tongue and its effects. This might make us more prone to stop and think before we speak. The bible has a lot to say, in James 1:26, James3:6-10, and 1 … Continue reading

How to Deal with an Allergy in your Marriage

These days many families seem to have at least one person who has an allergy. So, what difference does it make to a marriage when one partner has an allergy? If you or your spouse has an allergy, you might find the next two blogs helpful. Allergies have been on my mind a lot lately, partly because I recently reviewed a new book about allergy-safe family food and partly because I live with allergies. For years I struggled with pain so that I was unable to function at times. It took a long while before we discovered the cause was … Continue reading

Media Week in Review – June 15th – June 21st

Let’s take a look at all the fun we had this week in Media Reviews! We started out with “Relationship Magic,” a self-help book for married couples written in the form of a fairy tale to help husbands and wives more easily recognize patterns they might be perpetrating in their own lives. We then read about “Restoree,” which was author Anne McCaffrey’s first published novel. “Ashley’s Unforgettable Summer” is a cute children’s picture book about a girl who has a baby chimp for a pet, and “Coffee Rings” by Yvonne Lehman is a Christian women’s fiction novel about the accidental … Continue reading

Children Lead the Way to Marriage Strife

If you’re just married and you’re planning a wonderful life together, here are few tips about what to expect when you have your first child together. The birth of a child is a wondrous thing and it will have a profound effect on you and your spouse. But the stresses and changes that occur due to the birth of a child can often lead to the first major blow up in the marriage. Why? So why does the birth of a child (this fantastic, wondrous event) because so much stress on a couple? In large part, it’s because Mom now … Continue reading

Becoming a Parent Means Becoming Sedentary?

Don’t scoff, that’s what a recent study done by an exercise physiologist at the University of Pittsburgh. Apparently, when you get married – your workout habits are not likely to change, but when you become a parent, they change significantly. Now, don’t get upset – those of us who are parents recognize that this is a problem. Most moms struggle with the pregnancy weight and after one or more children, that struggle becomes omnipresent in their lives. As a new parent, you probably feel like you’re on the go, all the time. You barely sleep. You are being pulled in … Continue reading