Are Those Vital Records Playing Hard to Get? Try These Tips

If you do genealogy research, you know that vital records such as birth, death, and marriage records, are a very important source of information. Many of these records are kept by various state agencies, and the policies and procedures for obtaining them vary by state. Unfortunately, they can sometimes be hard to access given the amount of bureaucracy and red tape that is involved. The good news is that there are some alternative ways to get the information that you would get from vital records which are much easier to get your hands on. Do not let a snag in … Continue reading

Dating Tips For Single Parents

Dating as a single mom can be a little daunting. For most of us, it’s been years since we went on a date with anyone other than a man who knew us well. I remember feeling like I didn’t even know how to behave on a date anymore! More and more single people are using online dating as a way to meet people. This can make dating even scarier, it’s one thing to go out to dinner with someone you know, even vaguely, but to go out with a complete strange can be a little intimidating. Here are a few … Continue reading

Putting Your Marriage on Hold

Are you guilty of putting your marriage on hold? Are the choices you are making hindering your marriage? In so many cases couples seem to think their marriage is something that can pick up and it will be there when they want it. Instead of taking time to make it the best marriage it can be, time is invested into work and career options, or into being a success in the work place instead. After all, your spouse will still be there at the end of the day. But will they? Sometimes it seems to me that if couples poured … Continue reading

Do Marriage Preparation Classes Work?

As many of you know I’m a big advocate for marriage preparation classes. But do they work, that is the question? The other day I received an e-mail giving me a link to an article about a study regarding marriage preparation classes. Thanks to Amanda Verzello for sending this to me. The article looks at whether marriage preparation classes work. The article didn’t appear to come to a definitive conclusion. It was very much yes and no. Yes, in the sense that in the majority of cases, it did improve communication between couples. To my mind anything that improves communication … Continue reading

Tips If You Don’t Get Along

Yesterday we looked at the situation where your son or daughter falls in love with and marries someone you don’t like. If that is the case what can you do? Don’t put them in a situation where they have to choose between you and the family or the new love. Invariably they will choose the one they are in love with and you will find yourself not seeing them at all. Is that really what you want? I don’t think so. Remember that you have something in common. You both love the same person and want what’s best for them. … Continue reading

Getting Upset in Marriage

We all get upset at times with things that happen in our lives, things happen to us that are outside our control and that we hadn’t counted on. Often it is caused by the words or actions of others. How we respond to what happens to us, can tell us a lot about ourselves and our natures. When it comes to marriage and family life, there are always going to be things that will happen that we didn’t count on. I’ve felt that way just this morning. It wasn’t with Mick and the problem wasn’t caused by him but someone … Continue reading

New Single Parents Blogger

Screaming kids, dishes piled high in the sink, past-due bills, and one person who is solely responsible for it all. Such is the life as a single parent, a life I am quite experienced with. My name is Jacky Gamble, and I am the newest blogger to the Single Parents blog. I first became a single parent at the age of 20, when my daughter was just 6 months old. Her father was not in the picture and failed to pay any child support. I was left to raise and support her on my own. When she was 6 years … Continue reading

Still More Tips To Strengthen Your Marriage

Today I’m continuing the tips to strengthen your marriage. These three are closely linked. Don’t Assume You’re Always Right Recently a friend said ‘when we argue, he (meaning her husband) thinks he’s right. I know I am.’ While everyone at the time laughed as she intended us to do, there can be an undercurrent of truth in that statement in that we automatically assume we are always right. Nobody is right all the time. Sometimes we make mistakes whether we mean to or not, sometimes we misinterpret our spouse’s actions or comments. Sometimes we’re in the wrong frame of mind … Continue reading

Quality of Marriage

The quality of your marriage might well depend on whether and in what quantities these other Qs are present. If you or your spouse is any of those mentioned below you might for you marriage’s sake try and eliminate them from your marriage Querulous The dictionary definition is complaining or peevish. Do you know someone who is like this, who is always complaining? I do and, no, it’s not Mick or anyone in the family. No matter what anybody does it is never right, never good enough. There’s always something they have to whinge about. It is very wearing and … Continue reading

More Simple Tips for Hosting a Christmas Party

If your spouse is happy to help with cooking for a Christmas Party, it can be fun to make it a family time of cooking but if it’s not their thing, don’t force the issue. You’re better to do it on your own. Another way that works well and certainly cut down the cost, is to ask each person you invite to bring a small dish, nibbles, salad, dessert, etc. Put the emphasis on small or otherwise you will end up with way too much food. This is the way parties are often organized amongst our friends. Husbands are usually … Continue reading