Thoughts on Long-Distancing It: 3 Relationship Survival Must Haves

In my “Thoughts on Long-Distancing It” series, I’ve covered how commuter marriages are born and that breakdowns are inevitable. You might have gleaned from these articles that stress is to be expected and often accompanies the situation. But stress can also be managed and doesn’t have to destroy your relationship. (Because it can if you don’t keep it in check.) The three things you must have to ensure your relationship survives the long-distancing it phase are: 1. Patience I put this first because it’s the most essential. You are going to experience turbulence in a long distance arrangement. It might … Continue reading

Thoughts on Long-Distancing It: Breakdowns Are Inevitable

Yesterday I wrote Thoughts on Long-Distancing It: How Commuter Marriages Are Born and told how Wayne and I have had a long distance marriage going since July. I also wrote about Friday Night Lights and Tami Taylor, a character on the show going through the same ordeal. It’s not easy being separated from your spouse. It is easy for tempers to flare to extremes, though. In some cases quickly, in other cases they simmer before exploding. Here’s two examples of what I mean: Example One: Tami’s Meltdown While her husband, Coach Taylor, is away trying to adjust to his new … Continue reading

Dear Santa, May I Please Have Some Patience?

Dear Santa, I know this is a last minute request seeing how it’s Christmas Eve and all. I’m sure the elves already have your sleigh loaded and ready to make tonight’s rounds. But I was wondering if you could possibly spare room for one last thing? I’m not asking for a lot. Just a little Patience to get me through until I can refill my reserves on my own. A smidge stuffed in my stocking should do me. You see, I’ve tried very hard to be patient with my husband this year, but now I’m about all tapped out. First, … Continue reading

Making Deposits Instead of Withdrawals in Your Relationship

A few weeks back I caught part of an interview with Joel Osteen on CBS’s Early Show. He was promoting his newest book, Become a Better You. The part I tuned in during was when he was talking about making deposits instead of withdrawals. How we can’t just expect to take all the time; we have to spend time giving also. He compared relationships to bank accounts: you can’t get anything out of them if you don’t put anything in. It was a similar concept to something another favorite of mine, Dr. Wayne Dyer, advocates: “You can’t give away what … Continue reading

Life Imitating Art: My Marriage and Friday Night Lights

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I could relate to an ordeal that Tami Taylor, a character on NBC’s Friday Night Lights, was going through. She and her husband were having a commuter marriage because he had accepted a coaching job in another town. Still in Texas but about two hours away from their home. She stayed behind so that her daughter could stay at her high school with her friends and so that Tami could keep her job. Being apart while a spouse is working elsewhere was something I could definitely relate to. Except in my … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: October 22 – October 29

Courtney and I have worked hard at bringing you marriage topics this week. We have missed Heather who has been in a temporary computer crisis. Keeping checking daily for interesting and hot marriage discussions! Monday, October 22 Marriage Takes Effort Some people go into marriage with a very dreamy attitude. While this may work for a while, at some point in time couples need to realize that marriage takes effort. Love and getting along does not always come easy. Thoughts on Long-Distancing It: How Commuter Marriages Are Born In this article Courtney discusses the long distance relationship that she saw … Continue reading