Thoughts on Birthing and the Ideal Era

Well, I get a mazal tov. We just had a baby boy on Tuesday, thank G-d! (we Chassidim say Thank G-d not just when getting through danger, but whenever we see a blessing in our lives). He is 6 pounds and beautiful and I am so grateful we got through fine. Every baby is truly a miracle. According to our tradition, we do not officially give a boy a name until the baby is circumcised, eight days after birth. But I will speak about the name and naming in general when this day arrives G-d willing after next Tuesday. I … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Lead, Kindly Light

The parable of the virgins, given in Matthew 25, is one that most of us are familiar with. President Harold B. Lee has taught us that all ten of the virgins represent members of the church; President Spencer W. Kimball, that the oil in our lamps are acts of a spiritual nature that we perform to prepare ourselves for the Lord’s return. I’d like to elaborate a little bit on what we learned from President Kimball, in relation to a scripture found in Luke. Luke 12:35 bids us to “let your…lights (be) burning.” We also read in Matthew 5:14,16 that … Continue reading

Adoption Blog Month in Review, April 2007: Part Two

Please see Part One of this blog for updates on adoption blog writers and highlights from late March and early April. In Feeling Different from Family? I muse on finding the right balance between acknowledging our daughters’ different ethnicity and heritage and overemphasizing them. My daughter puts my fears at least temporarily at rest with this zinger—check it out. In How Do You Introduce Yourself to Your Own Child? -Part One: Prepare Them I talk about things adoptive parents can do, even from a distance, to prepare their child for the transition, such as sending photos, tapes, and even a … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review: November 11-17

Is it really Saturday already? It seems kind of crazy that we’re already here, when I was just writing up the week in review last week. But here we are. It’s been an eventful week here at the marriage blog as we approach our first anniversary, we also crossed the 1,000th post line and Sherry and I continued our point and counterpoint in Marriage Debates. You’ll see changes taking place over the next week as we close in on Thanksgiving with a little re-organization and the adding of topics here and there. As always, we want to hear from you … Continue reading

The Teacher / Educating Personality Type

The “Teacher / Educating” Personality Type, or the ENFJ personality type, describes a person who is an Extrovert (E), who perceives the world through their Intuition (N), who relies on their Feelings (F) about the people and circumstances involved in a given situation as a basis for decision making, and who views the world from the vantage point of Judgement (J). If you are an extrovert, you enjoy interacting with the outside world around you, as well as the people in it. You thrive from this interaction, and very much prefer it to being alone with your own thoughts. You … Continue reading

The Supervising / Enforcing Personality Type

The “Supervising / Enforcing” Personality Type, or the ESTJ personality type, describes a person who is an Extrovert (E), who perceives the world through Sensing (S), who relies on Thinking (T) to problem solve and make decisions, and who views the world from the vantage point of Judgement (J). If you are an extrovert, you enjoy interacting with the outside world around you, as well as the people in it. You thrive from this interaction, and very much prefer it to being alone with your own thoughts. You like to use your five senses to identify what the facts of … Continue reading

The Composer / Synthesizing Personality Type

The “Composer / Synthesizing” Personality type, or the ISFP personality type, describes a person who is an Introvert (I), and who uses Sensing (S) to determine what the facts are about a given situation. This person relies on the Feeling (F) that they have about the people and circumstances in a situation in order to problem solve and make decisions, and they view the world from the vantage point of being open to Perceiving (P) ideas that are brand new, and different from, their own. If you are an introvert, it means that you are more comfortable focusing on your … Continue reading

A Fit Mind and a Fit Body

A fit mind will probably get you further than a fit body. However, I also believe that a fit mind can lead to a fit body. On my quest to finally get this fitness thing down right, I have been making some new discoveries about myself. It’s that whatever is in my mind influences what I do. My thoughts turn into actions. Sometimes those thoughts are negative and they turn into negative actions, like snacking too much or skipping exercise for that day. Other times my thoughts are positive and it turns into positive actions, like taking an apple instead … Continue reading


Frustration is one of those kinds of things that build up and up. The more you try and keep it inside and press it down, the more it tends to want to spill out. The results are that it starts to affect all your thoughts, reactions and actions. The other week I watched a guy become frustrated while playing a sport. He initially muffed a couple of shots. In the end, he became so frustrated that he couldn’t do a thing right. He was messing up even simple shots. It happens to me too. When I let frustration take over, … Continue reading

Don’t Let Guilt Get the Better of You

Guilt can be a destructive emotion. It can take over and overwhelm us. Don’t let guilt get the better of you. It’s easy said but sometimes not so easy to do. We all feel at times that we let people down, or that we don’t behave the way we should. As we’ve no doubt discovered, there will always be those to criticize and heap guilt on you. This can happen when we don’t do what other people expect us to or think we should. It can happen when, despite our best intentions, plans don’t work out and we are not … Continue reading