Thinking About Marrying An Unbeliever?

Thinking about marrying an unbeliever? Think again. Think long and hard, because it is setting yourself up for a hard time. So why shouldn’t you marry an unbeliever? Firstly, if you are a Christian, it goes against what the bible, which is the Christian’s guideline for living and the Maker’s manual, teaches. 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, says ‘Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light and Darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?’ Christians are called to be obedient … Continue reading

A Strange Easter

What a strange Easter this has been. Not going to church Good Friday and again today for Easter Day, as it is already here in Australia, has been very odd. It makes it not feel like Easter at all, because to me Easter has less to do with chocolate, eggs and bunnies and more to do with the most amazing event in history, the resurrection of Jesus. To be here and see my husband go off on his own to church again this morning is hard. We’re so used to going to church together and sharing these special occasions together. … Continue reading

Anything We Want

If God told us we could have anything we wanted, what would we say? Would we ask for wisdom for the task we have to do? When God told Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted, 1 Kings 3:5, Solomon asked for wisdom to do the job at hand. He wanted wisdom to rule as king over the people of Israel. Do we start each day asking God for wisdom for the day ahead in the decisions we need to make and the jobs we need to do? Because that’s what we should do. Do we ask for wisdom in … Continue reading

Reaching a Compromise

Marriage is a compromise. It is about give and take. That means sometimes you may have to give in on some things. Decide which things are of prime importance and which are not worth worrying about. Some things, like differences in faith and values are more likely to present serious challenges than character traits like untidiness or whatever it may be. Of course if the character trait is selfishness or anger that results very quickly and with consequences for those round them, then you might want to give it serious thought. So before you go into it you need to … Continue reading

Believer Married to Non Believer- Part 2

Today I’m continuing with more tips about dealing with an unbelieving spouse when you are a believer.Instead of preaching at them, a better way is given in 1 Peter 3:1-4. Don’t talk about what you believe, but instead show it by the way you live. Let your love and actions speak to them and trust God to be at work changing their heart and attitudes. Remember God wants what is best for you and your spouse. Remember too, that it is God’s work to change your spouse’s attitude and heart, not yours. Hard as it may be to accept, remember … Continue reading

The Believer Married to the Non Believer

I’ve known a number of marriages where the wife has become a Christian after the marriage but the husband is not. This can be a difficult situation for any marriage. What can you do if you are in this situation? What often happens is because a person is committed to the truth, they can’t stand to see those they love not accepting that same truth. The thought of being cut off forever from those you love and spending eternity without them is indeed a frightening one. Don’t be so intense about trying to get them to see the truth that … Continue reading

A Worrying Trend

Lately there seems to have been an upsurge in the number of people in the forums raising the issue of a Muslim marrying or being involved in relationship with a Christian. In nearly each case it is the man that is the Muslim. I think it is a worrying trend. Marriage is hard enough to maintain through the tough times and the problems life throws at us, without added complications and being at odds with your spouse over what should be the most fundamental things. Firstly though, we need to define what people mean when a person declares themselves a … Continue reading

Warm, Welcoming and Wise

Finally I’ve returned from my various excursions into other areas to come back to the alphabetical marriage blog. I believe we’re up to W. Warm Show your spouse the warmth of your love each day. Welcoming Welcome them with a kiss and a hug when they come home or whenever you have been apart, even if they’ve only been out in the garden for a while. Let them know you’re glad they’re there. Also be welcoming to others and welcome them into your home. As we share our lives with others, they will see the way we are living and … Continue reading

A Lifestyle Choice

Paul urges believers to be living sacrifices, Romans 12:1-2. What does that mean exactly? It means that being a Christian is a lifestyle choice. It affects who we marry, what work we do, the friends we have, what we choose to do with our time. It means that being a Christian affects our day to day choices and decisions. It’s no good being a Sunday Christian and thinking you can do what you like the rest of the week. That means nothing to God. That is not commitment. That is not letting Christ rule your life. These are the type … Continue reading

Easter and Marriage

Easter means different things to different people. As I’ve read a couple of other blogs I see some of those different traditions in families come out. To some people it means Easter bunnies and Easter egg hunts. To others it means church. Sometimes there is a combining of the two. In our marriage and those of our son and daughter and their spouses, it means church,remembering the first Easter and what Easter is all about – the death and resurrection of Jesus. One couple I know who are still on their L plates in their marriage has started a tradition … Continue reading