Another Santa Reprimanded at Disney World

An official Disney Santa at Epcot We’ve learned that adults are banned from wearing Disney costumes to a Disney park. We also know that any kids old enough (the cutoff is 9 or 10) also can’t do so, at least not if their costumes are too realistic. Now we have another look to add to the list of things not allowed at Disney: Santa Claus. Official Disney-sanctioned Santa Claus’s still make seasonal appearances at Disney World. What’s going to get you kicked out, or at least reprimanded, is if you too closely resemble Kris Kringle. The Huffington Post reports. Atlantan … Continue reading

Ricki Lake’s Battle with Weight

I just finished a great book, “Never Say Never” by Ricki Lake. I come from the era of the “Ricki Lake Show” and was very interested in hearing more about her life. The central theme of “Never Say Never” is the battle she has waged with her weight. She is similar to the likes of Kirstie Alley, in that her weight problems have always been out there for the world to see. Ricki Lake first came on the scene when she starred in the movie, “Hairspray.” She weighed 200 pounds at the time. That seemed to fuel something inside her, … Continue reading

The World Is Overweight

Do you want to know how heavy the world is? Apparently researchers have determined that if every person on earth were to stand on a scale, it would show a reading of 632 billion pounds (316 million tons). Those considered overweight, carry 16 million tons of extra weight and those who are obese, carry 3.8 million tons. To put this in perspective, that extra weight equals the normal weight of 56 million people. Which continent do you think has the highest body mass index (BMI)? I’m sure this doesn’t come as any surprise…North America. Keep in mind that North America … Continue reading

How to Lose Weight on Vacation

How many times have you gone on vacation and returned home toting more than just your bags? For many Americans, it is a rite of passage to pack on a few pounds during a fun-filled trip. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s a new trend in travel that turns the table on seasonal getaways and weight gain. Exer-cations are a hot ticket for people looking to stay fit or even shed a few pounds while they are away from home. Fortunately, you don’t have to travel too far to take advantage of these package deals. For example, … Continue reading

Stress and Weight Gain

Stress is a part of life. We experience it in many forms and on different levels almost daily. Stress can be rooted in your job, finances or relationships. In this world of uncertain jobs and economy many are stressed out. The stress of money can easily put more strain on relationships causing more overall stress in your life. Stress can build up over time or you can experience a steady flow of stress. No matter, stress is stress and getting stressed out can have a detrimental effect on your weight. When you are stressed your hormones basically go wonky and … Continue reading

20 Diet Plans Reviewed by U.S. News and World Report

This month “U.S. News and World Report” put out a review on 20 diet plans. The diet found to be the best overall, which is not a very well known one, is the “Dash Diet.” It is especially good for heart health but has a lot of other benefits as well. After the “Dash Diet” comes: Mediterranean Diet TLC Diet Weight Watchers Mayo Clinic Diet Volumetrics Diet Jenny Craig Ornish Diet Vegetarian Diet Slim-Fast Nutrisystem Vegan Diet South Beach Diet Eco-Atkins Diet Zone Diet Glycemic-Index Diet Medifast Diet Raw Food Diet Atkins Paleo Diet They also ranked the top 5 … Continue reading

World War II Ration Books

There are so many different records that genealogists can use to try to get around a brick wall. Some types of records are surprisingly jam-packed with useful information. For example, World War II ration books include the person’s name, age, address, occupation, and even their height and weight. Today, I decided to learn a little more about ration books because they are an interesting historical artifact in addition to being a useful genealogy aid. In the spring of 1942, the United States began a nationwide food rationing program to ensure that everyone got his or her fair share of items … Continue reading

Weight Watchers Magazine for One Whole Year

We are all looking for ways to get in shape or stay in shape especially since this is bathing suit, short and strappy top season. Weight Watchers is a great magazine to pick up all of the latest news and helpful hints to get us there. You will lose weight and inches by following the advice that Weight Watchers magazine has to offer. There are some really great low-cal recipes, some that are quick and easy, which is perfect for summer. Since we are all so busy with other activities at this time of the year who wants to spend … Continue reading

How Would You Like to Get Paid to Lose Weight?

What better incentive could you have to lose weight than to get paid for it? Welcome to the world of Healthy Wage, a program that uses incentives to not just lose weight but to live a happier, healthier life. With Healthy Wage you also get social support, information resources, expert support, and technology that will help you set goals and track them. There are five health challenges that you can choose from. Here’s a summary of what they are: The BMI Challenge provides $100 from corporate sponsors to obese Americans who lose weight. The SuperSizer challenge gives you the opportunity … Continue reading

Weight Loss and Perimenopause

I have been going through the “joy” of perimenopause for about two years now. In the last few months it has vamped up and now I am beginning to experience some more radical changes in my body. Being only 41 years old, I have been told by others that I am not “old enough” to be going through that. Yet the fact remains that my mother was completely through menopause by the time she was 42. Early menopause runs in my family. I was doing some reading on menopause because I wanted to better understand how to deal with some … Continue reading