What Is Your Marriage Teaching Your Children?

An often overlooked area in a marriage is the influence it has upon the children. Have you ever really thought about the message you are sending your children concerning marriage? Marriage isn’t just about two people if you have children. Your marriage is a huge factor in decisions they will make in the future, including what to look for in a mate. How you treat your spouse speaks volumes to our children. If boys see their father as an overbearing, cruel husband…what do you think is going to happen when that little boy grows up? If girls see their mothers … Continue reading

When Children Test Your Marriage

Throughout all the years of my marriage, arguing about the raising of our children has never been an issue. We have always been in agreement. We have the same values and standards. I consider this to be a good thing, since the raising of the children is one of the more common areas that couples argue about. However…well, things have slightly changed now that they are teenagers. Suddenly it’s not so easy. Raising teenagers is like walking a very fine line. Sometimes you really don’t know how to balance the scales. Some things you say yes to, other things you … Continue reading

Insurance and Marriage

Yesterday I looked at the idea of insurance for the housewife or stay at home mom, but there are various other kinds of insurance you might need to consider. Insurance against sickness, accident or loss of income for the main worker in the partnership, house insurance, house contents insurance and car insurance are others. Sometimes with the birth of a child, people even take out an insurance policy that will mature and come to their child when they reach a certain age.This is something my parents did and Mick’s parents did too. Unfortunately they were policies that were not going … Continue reading

Banning Interracial Marriages?

Have you read or heard about the disturbing poll that took place in Mississippi? Apparently 46% of Mississippi Republicans would support banning interracial marriages. I was absolutely shocked by this. There were also only 40% who believe it should be legal. Should this surprise me? Maybe it shouldn’t but it does. First of all, I guess I thought we had come much further than this. I’m not so naïve to believe that racism has been completely eradicated but I did think we were further along than this. Second of all, we live in such a mixed society. America is made … Continue reading

Tips for Creating a Happy Marriage

A happy marriage – isn’t that what all of us want? What can you do to increase your chances of a happy marriage? Here are some suggestions. You can often tell when a marriage is happy or when it is not. It shows in the faces of the couple as they look at each other and relate to others. It shows in the way they talk about their spouse. They don’t criticize and draw attention to his or her faults. Rather they draw attention to their loved one’s good points. They certainly don’t talk negatively about their spouse when they … Continue reading

The Value of Compliments

The other day we looked at the importance of complimenting your spouse. Why compliment your spouse? It lets them know they are valued and their opinions are valued. Yesterday Mick and I were talking about the greenhouse he plans to build. I asked where he was planning to build it. I knew he had his doubts about the proposed site and so I suggested two other places. The more we talked the more it became obvious to me there was was a better spot. ‘That was a really good idea of yours,’ Mick said. How did it make me feel? … Continue reading

Is Your Marriage Reaching Its Full Potential?

Is your Marriage Reaching Its full Potential? It’s a question we each might ask of our marriage. But what sort of qualities and attitudes will help ensure it does reach its full potential? It is interesting sometimes not only to see how otter marriages work but to read up on those things that help us get the best out of our marriages. On a site I was reading recently you can grade your marriage. Since I’m a great one for quizzes and the like I couldn’t help grading my marriage. And received a huge shock. I was shocked to find … Continue reading

Making Marriage Look Easy

Today a couple of friends made some interesting comments about their parents’ marriages and relationships. One woman said, ’my parents made marriage look so easy.’ It was not just her that thought so but many of her friends. As a result people always wanted to be at their house, because they saw a happy couple and a happy family. She went on to say that her parents were always laughing, sharing a joke together, they were patient with each other and with the children, and they had similar interests as both of them were really keen on sport. They enjoyed … Continue reading

Renovating and Your Marriage

Could renovating be detrimental to your marriage? It’s something I’ve been thinking about after hearing a couple of stories recently from couples who have gone down this route. Let me say at the outset that Mick and I have never had any major renovations done. The most we have ever done is knock out a wall or minor cosmetic renovations like tiling, wallpapering and painting and we’ve done it ourselves. When I’ve listened to other people’s tales of renovations it sounds more hassle than it is worth. It seems to have the knack of turning people into something they really … Continue reading

Marriage Preparation Classes- Part 2

Yesterday we touched on the value of marriage preparation classes for those coming from divorced parents. However, even where a couple does have a positive model to follow, marriage preparation classes are useful. Both our son and daughter went with their respective partners to marriage preparation classes while they were engaged and found them extremely helpful in giving them a clearer picture of what marriage is all about. The classes raised things they may not have thought about as well as identifying traits of each person that will affect the way they react in a given situation. For example, it … Continue reading