Drs. Parrott Marriage Book Blog Tour Coming to Families.com

Shortly after I returned home earlier this month I received an intriguing email. It was from a Mr. Michael Pritchard with Zondervan. His subject line read “Courtney, Les and Leslie Parrott Marriage Book Blog Tour Invitation.” Marriage? Books? Blogs? Some kind of tour and an invitation? Didn’t look like the run of the mill spam. Turns out it wasn’t. Zondervan is a big Christian publisher and here they were asking me to help them with a very cool promotion idea. The chance to read Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott’s newest book Trading Places: The Best Move You’ll Ever Make in … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for March 31 – April 6

After abandoning poor Lyn for a couple of weeks while I dealt with family issues I’m finally ready to resume my share of Week in Review duties. Here’s a recap of what we dished about last week here in Marriage. Monday, March 31, 2008 Lyn shared some interesting thoughts on Hollywood couples and the fates of their relationships. (Or demise as is the case more commonly and which may be a better word.) Tuesday, April 1 It might have been April Fool’s Day but I was not joking when I wrote about the big changes in my little marriage. Lyn … Continue reading

Mending Marriage Miscommunications

Yesterday was pretty typical in the life of a young Mormon mommy. I spent all my time breaking up fights, trying not to cry as mess after mess was cleaned up (by me) and recreated (by the children). By the time my husband got home, I was ready for a time-out (for me). I went into the bedroom and treated myself to a book. A couple of hours later, my husband came in. He’d put the children to bed, the house was quiet, and I felt much refreshed. I thanked him for the wonderful reprieve, then stood up to grab … Continue reading

Dealing with Your Spouse’s Choices

Yes, I am back to the book. As my readers know I have begun slowly but surely digging my way through The Power of a Praying Wife. While reading this book I am taking on two personalities. First, I am viewing from a wife’s stand point. Secondly, I am a researcher. Therefore, I am thoroughly pulling it apart! The section that I want to discuss today is the section that deals with your husband’s choices. I think that there are many things that you should know about your husband before you get married. However in some cases, things change. As … Continue reading

Without the Children: Would You Have Anything Left to Talk About?

In a recent article that I wrote I discussed how the order of priorities suggested in The Power of a Praying Wife had caught me off guard. I went into discussion about how the book tells us to put our husband before our children. After much thought on the subject, I realized that the statement is true. After posting the article, I received a reader comment from Dale. Her comment once again got my wheels to spinning. In her comment she remarked about how when children are put first, there is nothing left when they move out and leave home. … Continue reading

Where Are Your Priorities?

As the readers know, I recently purchased and began reading a book called The Power of a Praying Wife. I became interested in this book after reading a comment from a reader in the forums. She had questioned about the book and its application in the lives of other couples. I then read a few chapters of the book and gave my thoughts in another article. One concept that came kind of surprising to me was in the section that deals with priorities. In this section, the author discusses how the order in which you place your priorities can make … Continue reading

How Strongly Do You Feel Against Divorce?

As a society it does seem that we are more acceptable of divorce. However many religions and those with strong religious values are still very unwilling to accept divorce as an option. Most of us have the understanding that divorce is only acceptable under the terms of adultery. Other than that, divorce should not be considered. I have even heard that some churches will cast out members who divorce for reasons thought to be unholy. Many preachers refuse to remarry couples who have been divorced from a past marriage. Lately I have been pondering exactly how passionate these people feel … Continue reading

I Got My Book!

I got my book today! Earlier I discussed how my curiosity of discussion in the forums led me to purchase the book The Power of a Praying Wife. So far I have skimmed several chapters and read a couple all of the way through. I cannot say that I find the book totally ridiculous as one commenter seemed to feel in the reviews that I had read. However I can see how desperate wives in attempt to find a miracle to save their marriage could be mislead in thinking that a quick fix is about to take place. I have … Continue reading

Where is your security?

When things go wrong in your life, where do you turn? To a friend, husband, wife, parent? Or do you turn to some activity to try and help you forget for a while what is happening? Many women have experienced the fear of finding a lump in their breast. I’ve known it myself. It my case it was a cyst and easily dealt with. For others the prognosis is not so good. Breast cancer – even the words can strike fear into a woman’s heart. Yesterday a dear friend and I went along to ‘Wade in the Water’ a function … Continue reading

Putting It Into Practice – part 3

Yesterday, during my quiet time, I was encouraged after praying for healing and strength for a dear friend and his wife, to come across this line in ‘Streams in the Desert.’ It said ‘Perseverance in prayer is necessary to prevalence in prayer.’ In the passage for the day the point was made, that it is by praying we learn how to pray more effectively. In other words it comes back again to putting it into practice. When I conduct writing workshops I often tell my students it’s no good saying they want to write, or reading about writing, or even … Continue reading