Men: The Weaker Sex?

Before I begin, I just want to say that, even though the title might suggest otherwise, this article isn’t intended to be a slam against men. Rather, it’s just some reflections on things I’ve seen regarding boyfiends and husbands over the past 10 years during my stint as a stay-at-home wife. Not that I’ve had all sorts of relationships with other men. But I’ve had lots and lots of talks with my women friends. It was when I was living in Jacksonville that I noticed a pattern forming where our husbands were concerned. And ever since I noticed it, I … Continue reading

Do Men with Sisters Make Better Husbands?

Wayne and I got to talking over the holidays about men and women and sometimes how hard it is for the one to read the other. He feels it’s easier for women to decipher men, but men are generally clueless about what makes women tick. And what ticks them off. And how to approach them when you’re in that dating phase. I was surprised to hear that from him. “You were nervous about talking to girls?” “Heck yeah! I didn’t know what to say to them. They were a complete mystery to me. You never knew what to expect or … Continue reading

The PMS Pill for Men

If I was going to invent something for the good of mankind I know exactly what it would be: a pill for men that would let them experience all of our worst PMS symptoms. I don’t know if your husband does it to you, ladies, but when it’s that time of month for me mine can’t understand why I’m tried, why I hurt, or why I suffer such extreme mood swings. It’s understandable. It’s human nature. You can’t possibly know how bad something is until you’ve endured it yourself. Well, with PMS men have absolutely no way of ever experiencing … Continue reading

What Is Perimenopause?

Okay… I’d never heard of perimenopause until my mother started going through it a few years ago. Perimenopause is the transitional stage in a woman’s reproductive life. It starts when the ovaries start to produce less estrogen, signaling the approach of menopause. For most women, perimenopause starts in the forties. Some women experience it in their thirties, too. The average length of the transitional period is four years, but the actual length may vary greatly from woman to woman. Some women are in perimenopause for only a few months; some are in perimenopause for as long as ten years. Perimenopause … Continue reading

Migraines and Hormones

My mother was around my age when she started having migraines. I’m starting to consider the fact that some of my splitting headaches recently are the result of monthly hormone changes. Symptoms of migraine can include: Moderate to severe pain (may be a pounding, throbbing pain) that may shift from one side to the other or affect the whole head. Sensitivity to light, noise, and/or odors Blurred vision Nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain Loss of appetite Sensations of heat or cold Dizziness Fatigue Aura — seeing bright, flashing lights or dots, blind spots, and/or wavy lines I’ve definitely been … Continue reading

A Year to Remember

I don’t know where it went, but this month I’m celebrating my year anniversary being a Marriage Blogger. Confessions Last year, then managing editor, Heather Long, sent out a notice asking us bloggers if we’d be interested in either changing categories or adding on to any existing ones. I saw Marriage was one she was looking to staff. I’d guest blogged there a couple of times. I was interested in challenging myself. I asked if in addition to Pets I could also be assigned to Marriage. I alternated between jubilation and panic when her answer was, “Yes.” Okay, my wish … Continue reading

Are You An Inventive Wife?

The other day a PR rep contacted me about an upcoming contest geared towards moms (or any woman): the Whirlpool brand Mother of Invention Grant Program. She thought it might be of interest to readers, since they are primarily women. Smart PR rep! After all, how many times have I (or perhaps even yourself) heard married women friends say things like, “I wish there was an X to help me deal with my husband (kids, job, life) better/faster/with less muss and fuss.” Heck, even I’ve said something like that when I wished I could create a PMS pill for … Continue reading

My True Feelings About Trading Places

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of books with a similar theme: the Law of Attraction. I have to say I believe there’s something to it. For instance, I set out on a mission this year with the intention of making the most of marriage. Several months later I get an email inviting me to participate in a book blog tour. I was game, so I accepted. Two days later Trading Places: The Best Move You’ll Ever Make in Your Marriage arrives in my mailbox. That book provided a wealth of information and answered many questions I’ve had. Namely, what’s … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: December 24 – December 30

Wow! It is sad to say but also kind of a relief that the holiday rush is over. My life has seemed so hectic this holiday season! Thankfully, Courtney has been holding up her end of the marriage articles. Check out below for great topics and conversations! Monday, December 24 Can You Wait Until Tomorrow to Give Your Spouse Their Gifts? As a child the receiving is much more enjoyed than the giving. However I, like Courtney, have grown to much more appreciate the giving end. Once you find that perfect gift it is almost impossible to wait to give … Continue reading

Moose Update: He’s Healing and We’re All Adjusting

It’s been twelve days since Moose had his tail amputated — he was hit by a car on June 8th and broke his tail badly enough that the nerves and blood vessels were mostly severed. We’ve had two post-surgery check-ups, and the vet assures me that everything looks good. Since I’ve had a few e-mails and PMs asking after the big lug, I thought an update was in order. Stitches: for the most part, things are just fine with his stitches — he’s got a good six inches of stitches running up his rump. Moose has had a bit of … Continue reading