Movie Review: “Griffin and Phoenix,” 2006

Every so often, I love to curl up and watch a good movie. This afternoon, I chose “Griffin and Phoenix,” the PG-13 film starring Dermot Mulroney and Amanda Peet. It’s a very thought-provoking story about a man named Griffin who has terminal cancer, but is determined to live each day to the absolute fullest. When he meets Sarah Phoenix, he keeps his secret from her, not wanting to cast a shadow on whatever time they might have to spend together. As their relationship progresses, he learns that she has a secret of her own, and they spend the rest of … Continue reading

Two Separate Lives

Sometimes listening to others talk, it seems that people view marriage very differently to the way Mick and I do. So often we hear stories where there are two TVs in two different rooms, so ’she can watch her shows and I can watch mine,’ one guy recently told us. I admit I don’t watch some things Mick watches. But they’re few. He tapes them and watches them on night when I am at music practice for church or some other activity. So no, we don’t spend all our tome together. We do spend the majority and that’s one of … Continue reading

Reflections of Life

If it’s true that what is on our TV screens and at the movies reflects life, then it is no wonder marriages are in trouble. What I see so often on TV and the movies are people who make decisions based on what they want and who never stop to consider the person they are in a relationship with or how their decision will affect them. Just recently Mick and I were watching a show where the woman made a decision about her job that was destined to impact on her relationship with her guy. Did she talk it over … Continue reading