Are You Selfish or Selfless in Your Marriage?

Let’s face it…it’s in our nature to be selfish. And our society sure knows how to fuel that. We expect instant results, instant gratification and instant service. Just about anything we want is at our disposal. So we have to be careful that we don’t take that into our marriages. One important component to a happy, successful marriage is selflessness. But I’m afraid that it’s not something we see demonstrated very often, so we may be unsure what that exactly looks like. To be selfless is to be the opposite of selfish. So it might include giving in on some … Continue reading

Do You Speak Your Husband’s Love Language?

We all have our own love language. In other words, what speaks love to one person might not be the same thing as another person. This is best explained in the book, “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. If you don’t already know what your love language is, you can find out by visiting their website. But I would also strongly encourage you to find out what your spouse’s love language is. This could make a significant difference in the way you interact with one another. It could even lead to a stronger marriage. Think of it this way. … Continue reading

Our Own Unique Languages

Every person has their own unique language. It comes from the way they were raised, books they’ve read, experiences they’ve had—everything influences the way they see the world around them, and they will have their own ways of expressing their thoughts, feelings, and desires. When you are in a relationship with someone, you’ll find the greatest happiness of success in your relationship if you learn to speak their language, and if they learn to speak yours. If something goes wrong with your current relationship and you find yourself in another down the road, you will need to learn that person’s … Continue reading

Withholding Intimacy in Marriage

Have you fallen into the trap of withholding physical intimacy from your spouse when things aren’t going your way? Do you ever use it as a bargaining tool or as a punishment? This is destructive to the relationship in so many ways. Sex can bring a couple together, both physically and emotionally, like no other act on earth. When each partner participates with love, with a desire to share with the other person, and with the intent to make it a meaningful experience, it can be an amazing balm to the relationship. The husband and wife both feel more peaceful … Continue reading

Family and Marriage

We’ve probably all heard it at some point, the idea that if a guy wants to know what his intended will be like in later years to look at her mother. Sometimes it might be true but not always. The strange thing is no-one ever suggests to a woman that they look at their intended’s father to see what he will turn out like. Wouldn’t you think that could be just as valid? Is this as my writer friend suggested a case of sexism? Or is there not such a strong link between fathers and sons as there is between … Continue reading

Words and Body Language

In marriage it’s important to watch our body language as well as our words. In a recent article a writer friend shared an example where a husband put his wife down in front of others. After being complimented by friends for the meal and commented that like her mother she was a good cook, the woman’s husband replied ‘Yes, it’s always important to take a good look at your girlfriend’s mother before proposing.’ The comment sounds relatively innocuous. It might even have been taken as a compliment, except for the body language that accompanied the comment. The rolling eyes, the … Continue reading

The Arts and Marriage- Part 2

Sometimes with the arts, it’s a matter of not making assumptions. Recently a friend made an assumption because her husband wouldn’t go to an arts event, no-one else’s husband would either. There’s always a danger and a problem with making blanket assumptions about people. Opportunity and trying new things can make the change. Mick found when he was willing to try live theatre, he liked it. He liked how it’s a different medium to movies and how actors, directors and stage technicians get around the scenery changes required. He also liked the immediacy of live theatre. But he wouldn’t have … Continue reading

Are You Speaking the Same Language?

When my husband was in high school, he discovered that he has a knack for learning foreign languages. Since that time, he has learned six, and is currently working on Italian. He reads books from different countries all the time, sometimes forgetting that English is his native tongue. Some of those other languages are constructed very differently from English, and there are times when this wreaks havoc with our communication as a married couple. Some of these languages don’t use connecting phrases. This makes things quite interesting when it comes to understanding what he’s saying to me. For instance, yesterday … Continue reading

The Language of Intimacy

It’s no secret that men and women communicate differently. This applies to their intimate needs just as it does to every other aspect of their lives. Are you and your spouse communicating openly about your desires? A husband may tell his wife she looks beautiful, and to him, that’s a sexual overture. When she replies with, “Thanks, honey,” but doesn’t follow up with additional romantic actions, he feels as though he’s been rejected. She didn’t mean to reject him – she thought she was accepting a compliment. Perhaps she curls up next to him at night and puts her arm … Continue reading

Goals For Marriage

Yesterday we looked at the idea of goal setting and marriage. but what about setting goals for your marriage. Some the goals you might want to consider are: Commit fully to your marriage and make it your goal to have a long, lasting marriage. Make your goal a loving, nurturing environment for family where they can grow and develop. Here are some practical ways you can do this. Make sure you set aside time each day to sit and talk with your spouse, even if it’s only 15 minutes. Make it a goal to never be so involved with work … Continue reading