Withholding Intimacy in Marriage

Have you fallen into the trap of withholding physical intimacy from your spouse when things aren’t going your way? Do you ever use it as a bargaining tool or as a punishment? This is destructive to the relationship in so many ways. Sex can bring a couple together, both physically and emotionally, like no other act on earth. When each partner participates with love, with a desire to share with the other person, and with the intent to make it a meaningful experience, it can be an amazing balm to the relationship. The husband and wife both feel more peaceful … Continue reading

The Language of Intimacy

It’s no secret that men and women communicate differently. This applies to their intimate needs just as it does to every other aspect of their lives. Are you and your spouse communicating openly about your desires? A husband may tell his wife she looks beautiful, and to him, that’s a sexual overture. When she replies with, “Thanks, honey,” but doesn’t follow up with additional romantic actions, he feels as though he’s been rejected. She didn’t mean to reject him – she thought she was accepting a compliment. Perhaps she curls up next to him at night and puts her arm … Continue reading

Marriage Fitness: 10 Ways to Greater Intimacy In Your Marriage

Friday is a good day for lists and it’s a good day to talk about building the intimacy between you and your spouse. Theoretically, every relationship has levels of intimacy. The intimacy you share with friends is going to be less than the intimacy you share with really good friends and different from the intimacy you have with your family and finally your spouse. Each relationship is different and the levels of trust, confidence and communication are all different. Creating a greater sense of intimacy between you and your spouse opens channels of communication and helps to heal injuries before … Continue reading

What You Shouldn’t Say to Your Husband

“Woman’s Day” recently published an article about the nine things you should never say to your husband. First on the list was lying about your experience during sexual intimacy. That is a big no-no. The second is to tell them that they are just like their father. The third is asking when they are going to find a new job. The fourth is bringing up how your mother had warned you about something your husband would do. The fifth is telling your husband that you will do it yourself, when it comes to a task or chore…in other words, acting … Continue reading

Listen Up, Men – Flirt!

We’ve talked quite a bit about marital intimacy over the last few months, and I have no doubt that as I talk to readers and listen to their questions, we’ll continue to discuss it. Intimacy is one of those topics that create a lot of discussion. Everyone has questions about it, concerns about it—whether they want to share them in public or not. One of the things I hear most often goes something like this: “I wish my husband would flirt with me more often. He only turns flirtatious when he wants to be intimate, and the rest of the … Continue reading

Coping with an adult with Asperger’s (4)

In the final blog in this present series on Asperger’s Disorder, we look at further behavioral markers as well as treatment options for this condition. Being partnered to an Asperger’s sufferer comes with its own set of marital difficulties. Of primary concern is the lack of intimacy and reciprocation of emotion. This is the most common reason for marriage breakdown associated with this disorder. As discussed previously in Coping with an adult Asperger (1), (2) and (3), this neurological disorder makes it extremely difficult for the sufferer to interact emotionally in an appropriate way with others. In a marriage situation, … Continue reading

Coping with an adult with Asperger’s (3)

In this third blog on living with a person with Asperger’s, (see Coping with an adult with Asperger’s (1) and (2), we look at further behavioral patterns of the sufferer and ways families and friends can better deal with difficulties encountered in everyday interactions with individuals with the condition. Asperger’s Disorder makes for difficulties in understanding the emotions of others as well as interpreting subtle communication skills, as transmitted through eye contact, facial expressions, and body language. This often leads to the person with this disorder being labeled as rude, uncaring, cold, and unfeeling. While it is natural for those … Continue reading

Do You Know How to Fight Fairly?

Do you know how to fight fairly? I didn’t. In fact, I grew up in a household where bickering was just a prelude to an all out fight where people meant what they said and there was no friendly nattering going on. My husband and I had to learn the rules of how we would handle disagreements. He needed to learn how to how tone it down where I was concerned and I needed to learn to dial back my temper so that instead of hurling insults that were completely counterproductive to problem resolution. It’s hard to find a handbook … Continue reading