Anniversaries and Date Nights Part II

My husband and I are really horrible at taking the time to spend time together as a couple. The predominant rationalization that we make is that the cost involved with going on dates is too prohibitive. Getting a sitter, going to a moving, or going to a restaurant seem to be very cost prohibitive for our budget. It is especially hard for me to justifying eating out when we can make much higher quality and healthier foods (that in my opinion tastes much better) for a fraction of the cost than we can get at any of our local dining … Continue reading

Anniversaries and Date Nights

My husband and I recently celebrated six years of marriage. Before we had children, my husband and I would celebrate our anniversary by spending the entire day together focusing on each other, but our time together has drastically changed after we had children. Celebrating our anniversary is about all we do. It is rare for us to get a babysitter so that the two of us can have a date night. For the first five years of our marriage we were in the throngs of a very intense graduate program which demanded more time and money than one could imagine. … Continue reading

Making The Night Shift Work For Your Family

Yesterday I talked a little bit about parents who choose to work the night shift. If you are wondering how it works on a practical level, I have decided to discuss that today. After trying a couple of different approaches to adjusting your family’s schedule to accommodate a parent working the night shift at home you will most likely find a solution that works for your family. When a family or a couple thinks of each day as a twenty four hour period of time, it is easier to find creative ways to do or have the things that you … Continue reading

Working Out With Your Spouse

My husband is not a big fan of exercise like I am. He plays at a church weekly basketball night which is the extent of his designated cardio activity. He would much rather be doing something for the house or yard. It is fine most the time because when he is working on the house or yard, he actually is getting exercise without realizing it. Although I don’t mind doing most my workouts solo or with one of my workout buddies, there are some sports and activities I would prefer to do with him and just spend time together. I … Continue reading

Your Medical Record Binder

As I previously mentioned keeping your medical records are extremely important. When I got the very first mammogram results and ultrasound findings I put them aside. When I got my lumpectomy pathology report I started my cancer binder. In this binder I put all pathology reports, lab results, and I even got copies of my oncologist notes to keep for my own records. My Oncologist seemed to feel that it was not necessary but as you will find out later it came in very handy. If you are going on any major medical journey I feel that keeping an up … Continue reading

Can You Really Put Your Spouse Before Your Children?

Have you ever been told that your spouse should be put before your children? Do you think that is even possible? I used to believe that was impossible. I looked at my relationship with my children as being so much more connected because they had come from me. Yet I had forgotten that I wasn’t alone in the process of creating life. My husband is just as much connected to them. I also thought that because they were so little for so long, what they needed from me couldn’t possibly be less than what I would give to my husband. … Continue reading

The Importance of Setting and Maintaining Boundaries

With all of the technological innovations that have come into common use in recent years, it’s easier than ever to run a business from home. While technology is an essential part of any home based business, the 24/7 instant access that it provides may leave you feeling like you can never completely “unplug” from your business. The question is, what effect does being on-demand, all the time have on your business and personal life, and how can you balance being available for your business with being available for your family, yourself, and your life. An unfortunate consequence of the instant … Continue reading

Renovate Your Marriage

New year is often a time when people turn towards renovation or decluttering as Mary Ann and Tricia suggest. But have you thought about renovating and decluttering your marriage? As you think about renovations for you marriage it might raise some questions like, when should I do it? There’s no time like the present especially if things are feeling a bit stale in your marriage or if bad habits have crept into your marriage. Look for ways to spice it up and show your spouse how important they are to you. The thing is – the longer we put off … Continue reading

25 Inexpensive but Fun Ways to Spend Together Time with Your Spouse.

Yesterday’s blog featured the importance of sharing common interests and spending time together as couple, talking and being involved in each other’s interests and lives. Sadly too many couples seem to live almost independent of each other these days and do not put enough emphasis and value on spending time together. No matter how busy life is, I can’t stress how important it is to maintain your relationship and make sure you keep a regular date night or time together without family. So here are 21 ideas, most of which won’t cost the earth: 1. Cook a meal and go … Continue reading

How to Create a Family Ritual with Your Preschooler

Family rituals are wonderful to have. They strength all of you as a family, contribute a sense of self confidence and belonging, and give some security to your preschooler. This is the perfect age to get started on creating family rituals, if you haven’t already. Chances are that you already have some family rituals in place. If not, check out the following ideas. Many family rituals with preschoolers take place at bedtime. You could read a favorite story, have a secret family handshake or other way of saying goodnight, or sing a song. Try celebrating half birthdays. Preschoolers love this … Continue reading