Wedding Traditions, Symbolism & Superstition

Weddings are fun. Or they should be. We’ve talked about wedding superstitions before, but did you know that many parts of the actual ceremony and the set up are directly related to historical ideals and superstitions? For example, did you know: Traditionally, a groom would kidnap his bride and hold her with his left arm? This would keep his right arm and sword arm free to battle other suitors. Today, modern brides walk down the aisle to join their groom, but they still stand on the groom’s left Marriages and weddings were a diplomatic means of ending strife between two … Continue reading

The History of Weddings

There have been weddings in one form or another for as long as there has been a human race. Customs and names vary from culture to culture, but the ceremony and traditions that have been handed down to us with reference to weddings seem to have always existed. There was polyandry, polygamy and bride swapping. The acquisition of wives took place via purchase, capture, arrangement, courtship or trade negotiations. What I find interesting, in the study of wedding history is that it wasn’t until the 1800s that marriages and the weddings to create a marriage became a holy and spiritual … Continue reading

When in Rome …

Do you think that divorce, prenuptial agreements and living together are just a modern invention? Turns out that all of these existed in Ancient Rome and oh, and politically advantageous marriages? Yep, they happened there too. As it turns out, if you wanted to seek an office in the Roman political structure, you were best off arranging marriages for your children to increase your political alliances. The name for marriage was matrimonium (the root of matrimonial) and the root of that word is mater – or mother. Providing children was the principle requirement behind a couple entering into matrimonium. Marriages … Continue reading

Is May an Unlucky Month to Get Married?

Have you ever heard that May is an unlucky month to get married? We talked about May Day earlier today and we’ve still got Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day coming this month. May is both a spring and a summer month depending on where you are located. June may be the most popular month for marriage (the month being named for Juno, Roman goddess of marriage and wife to Jupiter), but I know many people who wed in May. In fact, one lovely couple that happens to be very good friends of mine are celebrating seventeen years of marriage … Continue reading

Friday the 13th – TGIFT

What’s TGIFT and why do I use it? Because on days like to day I still say TGIF or Thank God it’s Friday, but I add the Thirteenth. TGIFT pushes away the fear of Friday the 13th and I’ve enjoyed this day most of my life. Instead of the bad luck you often hear about associated with this day, I’ve had good luck. Some of my luckier Friday the 13ths included a trip to a bingo night with my grandmother where I won a $1,000 and another where I received an award. The History Behind the Fear So what does … Continue reading

A Hero’s Journey – Take Your Bachelor Party on the Road

Getting married soon? Looking for a way to celebrate your bachelor party without all the debauchery? Get together a group of your best male friends and rent a van. Then hit the road. You’ll need two or three days (maybe more) for this, so plan accordingly. Start by pulling out a map – you can choose a city map, a state map or a map of the U.S. (remember, the larger the map, the more time you may need.) Now, take a set of darts and have each man in the bachelor party throw a dart at the map. Once … Continue reading