The Benefits of Making Shared Decisions

Making decisions together can lead to a happy Marriage. Studies have shown that making decisions alone can negatively impact a marriage. The person who is making the decisions is unhappy because they feel the entire weight of the responsibility. And the person who has no hand in the decision making may feel resentful or be left in a position of accepting something that they don’t want or don’t agree with. When making a mutual decision, both partners should be willing to be objective enough to look at the factors that will create the best overall outcome for the marriage and … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review: April 30 – May 4

It’s the weekend and we’re spending the weekend handling yard work, repairing a damaged fence so that we can keep our dogs contained and sharing the responsibility of looking after our daughter who came down with a bout of stomach flu. Marriage is a great deal about sharing responsibility, sharing commitment, sharing good times and sharing bad. So let’s take a look at our Marriage Blog week in review: Monday, April 30 Negotiation is the Key to a Successful Relationship and whether you are struggling with financial problems, chores or making decisions about what to have for dinner. When one … Continue reading

O, What an Outlook on Marriage!

O, what an outlook on marriage! Os turn for the spotlight in the marriage blog as today we look at some helpful Os. Outlook The first one is not surprisingly outlook. If your outlook regarding marriage is negative then it doesn’t augur well for a good start to your marriage. Sadly, some people do have a negative or cynical view of life, love and marriage. This can become quickly very wearing if you live with it day by day.Your outlook on marriage will affect the marriage you end up with. Your outlook needs to be positive, expecting marriage to be … Continue reading

Teaching Kids about Responsibility

Today, I opened up the family store. Our family store is a little method that we use to help teach our children about responsibility and about money management. At the same time, the kids get to rediscover old toys, weed out unloved toys and become appreciative for what they have. So far, it seems to be working. This is how our family store works. First, it requires inventory. While we encourage our kids to put away their things every day, that just doesn’t always happen. So we give them a deadline. The downstairs has to be picked up by the … Continue reading

Avoid Ultimatums in Marriage

Ultimatums are a relationship technique that is often ineffective and causes damage in itself. Why do we issue ultimatums and what are some better ways to deal with an issue? Let’s discuss ultimatums in marriage. Why are ultimatums used? In general, ultimatums will be used by someone who may be feeling a bit desperate. If you feel that your needs aren’t being met or if the relationship isn’t going the way that you want it to go, then you might issue an ultimatum. Frustration and lack of communication often breeds ultimatums. It is a way of putting everything out on … Continue reading