Wagging My Tail Goodbye to the Pets Blog

I’m sitting in my office looking out the window watching the snow melt from the rooftops and bushes as I’m writing this. Last night we got measureable snow, a bit of an oddity in December for us here in Nashville. Whenever we get snow like this now I think about the first winter I was writing for Families.com. We got snow one February and I took Murph outside to play in it, then wrote about it as my blog for the day later. How much inspiration I’ve drawn from my pets over the past two years since I first began … Continue reading

Can a Job Improve Your Marriage?

Once upon a time over in Pets I wrote about my life as a pets blogger and all the tales I’ve become privy to. People love talking about their fur kids as it is, but when they find out I write about pets? Wow, you should see how much more they open up! Learning I’m also a Marriage blogger doesn’t have quite the same impact. For instance, if someone’s having pet behavior or training problems they ask for my advice. People usually aren’t as eager to admit to problems in their marriages. However, one thing I’ve noticed is what a … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review: April 30 – May 4

It’s the weekend and we’re spending the weekend handling yard work, repairing a damaged fence so that we can keep our dogs contained and sharing the responsibility of looking after our daughter who came down with a bout of stomach flu. Marriage is a great deal about sharing responsibility, sharing commitment, sharing good times and sharing bad. So let’s take a look at our Marriage Blog week in review: Monday, April 30 Negotiation is the Key to a Successful Relationship and whether you are struggling with financial problems, chores or making decisions about what to have for dinner. When one … Continue reading

Tales of Marriage: Anecdotes

Here are a few anecdotes shared by married folks I know: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell A husband was asleep and his wife continued trying to wake him up. He continued to answer, more of a grunt, “In a minute.” Finally, his wife called from the other room, “Are you sleeping?” Apparently, he was half-asleep since his response was, “With who?” Needless to say, the response did not go over well with his wife and he was soon up out of bed and trying to make amends. Short Sheeted A young couple married and moved into their new home. The wife … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Couples Don’t Have to Discuss Everything

Marriage means you shouldn’t keep secrets, right? So is not keeping secrets – telling each other absolutely everything? Not necessarily. There is a fine line between disclosure and privacy. Every couple has a subject or subjects that are considered taboo. The subjects may be taboo because they have either collectively decided to not discuss them or simply left them untouched. The simple fact is conversation and disclosures are two different things. For example, when you are dating and getting to know each other, you are very likely to share humorous anecdotes and tales of your past. You might talk about … Continue reading

Devotion Levels: Benchmarks

After my More Devoted Than He Is article, which some may have construed as a rant (probably rightly so), it may seem I’m hung up on the matter of devotion levels. I am. The cause of my distress is fairy tales. Not the Disney variety, but true life fairy tales. Ones where the prince is an Everyman and the princess-to-be an Everywoman. They’re common folk, same as you or me, who have not only found true love, but have seen it put to the test and have conquered the challenge together. Trading Places was full of anecdotes about such people, … Continue reading

If You Knew Then, What You Know Now ….

You often hear people comment, “If I knew then, what I know now, I’d never have ….” I have had great reason to consider these words over the years and occasionally I think about the idea that I might have done something differently, yet the truth is – knowing what I know now? I wouldn’t change a thing. Because all the decisions I made in the past – the good ones and the bad ones – led me to right where I am. First Married Sure, if you look back to how you may have handled your first disagreement, it … Continue reading