Foiled Abduction

My husband and I watched the summer finale of Burn Notice the other night. Who picked up the silver case holding the Bible and left Michael clinging to life by the totalled black Cadillac Escalade? I didn’t think to rewind to see what Jesse was wearing before I deleted the episode. I wonder if I can re-watch it online at USA or Hulu. I probably can. Thank goodness the show will return in November. I won’t get to find out what happens on Royal Pains or White Collar as soon. But I digress. On the Burn Notice summer finale Michael … Continue reading

Desperate for Love and Mr. Right

It seems it is so easy for those who are desperate for love and to meet Mr. Right, to be targeted and exploited by those looking for ways to make a quick few thousand. Such was the case for a 56 year old Australian woman who found her Mr. Right was in fact Mr. Wrong. While the internet is great for lots of things even finding love, as I have heard of those who have met online and then fallen in love and later married. But this latest story only serves to highlight again the dangers of the internet and … Continue reading

Biblical and Practical Wisdom about Marriage

The bible has a lot of practical wisdom about marriage. I thought I’d share some of it with you. ‘Through presumption comes nothing but strife, but with those who receive counsel is wisdom,’ Proverbs 13:10 This certainly applies to both husbands and wives. We should never presume to know what our spouse is thinking or how they will react. We need to talk it through – not presume. There are times when our spouse will surprise us. Here are some others that specifically mention wives but I suspect they could apply equally as well to husbands ‘The contentions of a … Continue reading

A Day in the Sun

It’s the little things that make memories. It’s the little things that build relationships and maintain them. It doesn’t have to be anything world shattering. It could be something as simple as a day together. On Saturday we had an early start to the day and drove up to Sydney. There we got together with our daughter and her husband. Along with thousands of other people, we enjoyed the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition at Bondi. No, thousands is not an exaggeration. It is a very popular exhibition. I described it to a friend later as a moving stairway. It … Continue reading

How Walking Can Benefit Your Marriage.

Walking can be good for your marriage. How? Here are four ways it can be of benefit to your marriage. 1. Walk with your spouse Walking together with your spouse can be a great time to talk things over, to simply enjoy being together, to discuss problems, talk about the kids. Mick and I do a lot of talking while we are out walking which is something we try and do most days. Yes Mick is retired these days which gives us more options regarding walking time, but even when he was working we would walk together sometimes before but … Continue reading

10 Tips to Break a Marriage out of the Rut – Part 2

Today I’m continuing the remainder of the 10 tips to break a marriage out of the rut. 5. Go on a Romantic Weekend Away. If money is tight and you can’t afford a weekend away, ask grandparents or another family member or friends to take the kids for the weekend and spend a romantic weekend at home, simply paying attention to each other and each other’s needs. Try doing simple things like a massage, a walk on the beach, watching a romantic movie, making love or whatever else appeals. 6. Record a CD of Love Poems Record a CD of … Continue reading

Marriage Means Dealing with the Unexpected

Marriage often means dealing with the unexpected. This is what has happened to us and why I didn’t get to post a marriage blog yesterday. Mick and I have spent the last couple of days and most of Monday night at the hospital. No it wasn’t me, his time but him. On Sunday morning early Mick’s leg started to be painful. By the time we came home from church he could barely walk to the car. He rested up that day. When it was worse on Monday, I took him to the doctors. That started a whole cycle with him … Continue reading

Cheating Made Easy

Cheating on your marriage partner has never been easier. The internet is making it easier for couples to hook up with others who are looking for affairs. A relatively new website makes it even easier for the average person to make connections with those looking to go outside the boundaries of marriage. According to an article in Time magazine ,679,000 people have used the cheater’s internet site. Of these users 92% of males are married while 60% of females who use the site are married. In the last year membership of the site has doubled to 4 million. These are … Continue reading