The Couple that Does Chores Together, Stays Together

On a recent episode of the sitcom “Raising Hope,” the married couple in the show clash over the division of their chores. They each make the other person do the chore they hate most, but by the end of the episode they’ve started doing those tasks together. They find that the jobs they hate most aren’t really so bad when they do them together. It struck me just how true to life that is (which is a rare thing to find on television). If I really don’t want to do something around the house, I’ve found it’s a lot easier … Continue reading

Don’t Do Everything Together

My husband’s kind of a loner. He’s drained by social situations, so if he’s had a long day hanging out with a group of people is the last thing he wants to do. He’s perfectly happy on his own, and if he doesn’t speak to a friend for years he’s totally fine with that. So when he gets together with his friends – all whom live in the area, mind you – two or three times a year to play a tabletop game, I let him be. I’m not terribly interested in the game, though sometimes I think that if … Continue reading