Supporting Your Spouse through Grief

We all experience grief at some point in our lives—it’s part of being alive and human, having emotions, and loving. At times, the husband and wife will both go through the same grief—losing a child or the lesser pain of losing a badly needed job or a loved home. Other times, one spouse will go through a personal grief not quite as deeply felt by the other. In both circumstances, they need each other. If you are the spouse who is grieving, share what you need with your partner. Don’t expect him to just know what you’re going through. He … Continue reading

Golden Sky by EC Stilson

To call this a book is to do it an injustice. Golden Sky is Elisa’s journal, with her heart laid bare on each page, every raw and real emotion dealt with in black and white. As a parent my biggest fear has always been something happening to my child. I know that’s a fear for most parents. I cannot imagine being nineteen and finding out my baby had problems so severe that he may not make it. That’s what happened to Elisa. Already the parent of a very young child and expecting her second when she received the worst news … Continue reading

When a Friend Died

The wedding is over, my family and friends have all gone back to Massachusetts and I am married to a wonderful man whose family can’t stand me. Most of my allies boarded a plane and now were going to be over 1800 miles away. We packed our bags and moved to an apartment an hour away from my in-laws but that was not the only good thing about moving. Both of our jobs were closer to our new apartment than where we had been living, before we had over an hour commute to work every day so this was going … Continue reading