The Day I Really Thought about It

I’m LDS (a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon) and I believe that marriage can and should last forever. My parents were divorced when I was a teenager, and this has reinforced my determination to keep my marriage alive and not to let anything happen to destroy it. One day, though, one very bad day, I contemplated divorce. Really, truly thought about it. We had been dealing with some issues in our marriage that didn’t originate with each other, but came along for the ride into our relationship. We had been on a rollercoaster, … Continue reading

Staying at Home with the Kids and Working as a Transcriptionist, Part Two

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. Missed part one? Check it out here! Otherwise, read on to find out some ideas on how to deal with children underfoot while working: Work during the kid’s naps. This is only if your children are young enough to still be taking naps. Many mothers plan on nap time to get stuff done, but many times they don’t know how long their kids will sleep or … Continue reading

Really Checking In With our Kids

I write often about the perils and joys of parenting teenagers, but one sure truth is that the older our kids get, the harder it can be to feel like we’re staying “in touch.” It seems to be the natural course of things that we should drift apart, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying to touch base. Even though it may be more of a challenge, it is so important that we take the time to regularly and really check in with our children. When I talk about “checking in,” I’m not talking about asking them if they’ve … Continue reading

Staying Together for the Kids… Really?

We have all heard couples sigh and say they have to stay together for the kids. They give these noble sounding speeches, and while some people really do mean it and have the best of intentions, others are simply acting as martyrs and they certainly aren’t doing their kids any favors. That may seem a like a harsh thing to say, but unfortunately, it’s true in some cases. Don’t get me wrong, I am not promoting divorce. I wish that every married couple could find ways to salvage their relationships. It doesn’t always work out that way, but neither does … Continue reading

Community Activities For Toddlers

If you stay home with your toddler, chances are that you have realized that being a stay at home parent does not always entail as much staying at home as the title may imply. Some of this may be due to your own need to get things done like grocery shopping and other errands, but some of it depends on the temperament of your toddler. Personally, I spend quite a bit of time at home and I could stay at home for days, but Dylan likes to go places. In fact, if we don’t go somewhere on any given day, … Continue reading

Sleeping in Separate Beds: You’re Not Alone

Our culture believes that couples who sleep in separate beds are either experiencing or inviting problems in their marriage. Because I’m a light sleeper, I’m a firm believer that couples should be free to sleep separately if necessary. Jon and I almost always sleep together, but if one of us is restless we move to another bed, to keep that person from being woken up. I know that sleeping in the same bed improves intimacy. Once kids are part of the equation alone time between couples is scarce, and time in bed together, even if it’s just the process of … Continue reading

Baked Gifts

Yesterday began the baking extravaganza. Every year my best friend and I spend two full days baking and freezing for Christmas. We make so many cookies that by the end of the two days we never want to see another cookie. It’s so much fun though and our kids look forward to it every year. As you can imagine it’s quite a mess. At the end of the day the kitchen looks like a bakery exploded so through the years we have come up with some ways to keep the mess under control. The number one thing is to keep … Continue reading

The Importance of Quality Time

Well this past weekend I had an absolutely wonderful time with my daughter as we went away to a women’s conference at a water park in the Wisconsin Dells. Being in close quarters for three days I was able to see how alike we really are. The first thing she did when we walked into our hotel room was begin to unpack and put everything away. I am exactly the same way. I can’t enjoy myself until I am organized. From there I began to see other things that reminded me so much of me…her inability to stay up late, … Continue reading

Breastfeeding is a Personal Choice

As a mother who has nursed three babies and edits an attachment parenting site, I am a big supporter of breastfeeding. But one thing I’ve noticed is that some people are crazy about it. There are a lot of breastfeeding moms and supporters out there that get kind of nasty to moms that don’t breastfeed. My personal experience was when my oldest quit nursing at seven months old. She just quit. No notice, no warning. Just one day she woke up and wanted nothing to do with my breast. Come to find out I was pregnant, but she didn’t care, … Continue reading

New Series: Interview With A Real Home-Based Professional

For those of us that work from home (or those who dream about it) it is always good to hear about real home-based professionals. Not only is it great to know that we are not alone in the choices and challenges that we face every day, it is inspiring to see what others do for work and how they have been able to make working from home work for them. I am pleased to bring you the first of a series of interviews with successful home-based professionals. I hope that you enjoy learning about them as much as I do. … Continue reading