Lasting and Loving Marriage Secrets

Imagine getting to 60 years of married life! Even Mick and I have got quite a ways to go to get to that one. You figure people that make it to 60 years must have figured out some of the secrets to having a long and loving marriage, don’t you? So I thought I’d let you in on a couple of secrets from those who have reached this milestone. John and Marg, a local couple here in the St Georges Basin area celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently. When asked what they believe the secret to a long and loving … Continue reading

Trash: The Discarded Aspects of Our Lives

You may think talking trash in the marriage blog is not a good fit, but whether you’re talking about garbage duty, discarding detritus from our households in a general clear out or having an emotional clear out – trash exists. The Discarded Aspects of Our Lives Who you were when you were a teenager is not who you are in your twenties. Who you were in your twenties is not who you are in your thirties and who you were when you were single is not who you are when you are married and so forth and so on. This … Continue reading