Someone To Be Proud Of

Sometimes I tell my husband I’m proud of him. I do it when he’s accomplished something really cool, like finishing grad school or laying down hardwood floor in our house. Other times I tell him when I feel that warm ache in my chest when looking at him. He’s a great person, the best in my opinion, and I am so proud of him. It feels a little strange to say sometimes, because it’s not the sort of thing we’re used to saying to our spouses. We expect to hear it from our parents, or tell it to our kids: … Continue reading

How to Help Someone who Exercises Too Much

As I’ve established in previous blogs there is such a thing as excessive exercising. In most cases compulsive exercisers start off their regime with the right intentions, but something happens to push their daily workouts into the “danger” category. Compulsive exercise is especially harmful when it involves children. According to fitness experts, if you recognize two or more warning signs of compulsive exercise in your child, you should contact a doctor to discuss your concerns. Generally a pediatrician will evaluate your child and make recommendations accordingly. Extreme cases may require hospitalization to get a child’s weight back up to a … Continue reading

What To Do When You’ve Got a Crush on Someone Other Than Your Spouse

On my article Are Crushes Natural?, a reader left a comment about how she’s happily married but developed a big crush on someone else. She even tried to hook the guy up with an available friend, but that only made her think about him more. She admitted she knows she needs to stop thinking about him, but also that she hopes the friend and him decide not to see each other again. Yikes. That’s a tough situation to be in. Now some of you will take objection to that and say “If she’s so happily married, why would another man … Continue reading

Why am I Writing this Weight Loss Blog?

I have never found an online forum on weight loss where the moderator/writer was someone who had been obese and made it to “the other side”. Who better to talk with people who want to lose weight than someone who has felt their pain and been through everything that they are going through? I am passionate about this topic because I live it! At my heaviest, I weighed 265. I’m not proud of that, but I don’t mind saying it because I know that there are other people out there who have gone over that 200-pound mark and they may … Continue reading

My Life as a Pets Blogger, Part I: Claiming the Fame

I’m pretty reserved about telling people I’m a writer. (In addition to blogging, I also write other articles, short stories and I even have a book out.) It’s not that I’m not proud of what I do. Far from it. Instead, I’m hesitant to share my occupation when I first meet people because (a) I’m modest, and (b) you’d be surprised how many times I get this reaction: “Well, isn’t that a nice way for you to bide your time, dear? I wish I had that luxury.” A Better Way However, I subscribe to this one newsletter called Funds for … Continue reading

Learning to Love Your Body

We all know that motherhood comes with a price. Your body goes through a remarkable transformation as it prepares to grow another human being. If you are like most of us, you probably have a few battle scars to show for it. I’ve gotten used to my tiger stripes, but I still struggle with my post-pregnancy body. It’s been almost 5 years since I had Logan and I’m still not to my pre-pregnancy weight. I envy my friends who walk out of the hospital looking like a model in their size 2 jeans again. When I left the hospital I … Continue reading

Finding Inspiration from Valentine’s

It’s another Valentine’s Day.  I’m not sure what Jonathan and I are going to do this year; last year I wrote about how we’ve rarely, if ever, celebrated the holiday.  He doesn’t even need to find me any candy hearts, because the box he bought me last year was so big I still have some left over. This year, I do kind of feel inspired to do something special for him.  However, I’m not sure if I actually want to do it on Valentine’s Day.  I’m still not sure that I like the idea of one day set aside for … Continue reading

Are There Such Things as Wifely Duties?

Yesterday a volunteering friend used the phrase “wifely duties.”  She did so somewhat in jest, but the phrase stuck with me.  I certainly think that I have duties to Jonathan, but I shudder at calling them wifely duties.  I don’t think these duties have anything to do with me being his wife, or rather, have anything to do with the fact that I’m the woman in the relationship. I’d like the phrases “spousal duties” or “partnerly duties,” better (if the latter was a real word).  I have certain duties to Jonathan because I am married to him, but gender roles … Continue reading

Advice from a Military Mom

Maybe you know a military mom.  She could be someone in your family, a friend, a co-worker or an acquaintance.  If you do, I have some important advice to give. Granted, there is some selfishness behind my advice.  In fact, I am seriously considering emailing this blog to certain persons.  But in the end, I will probably restrain myself and be content with helping others to understand a thing or two about what it’s like to be a military mom. It’s not that I’m attempting to put non-military moms in my shoes.  And contrary to what some might assume, it’s … Continue reading

The Difference Between Friendship and Marriage

Sometimes I wonder what the difference is between friendship and marriage.  Not casual friendship, or even good friendship, but really-close, best-friends, rely-on-each-other-for-everything friendship.  If we look to the media for answers, it seems to imply that the only difference is physical desire.  In movies and television, the only or at least primary distinguishable change in the relationship between two characters that are best friends, and then become something more, is that their relationship adds a sexual element. Those are usually my favorite types of stories (as opposed to ones where the characters aren’t friends but jump right to dating), only … Continue reading