Snooping On Your Spouse

When I was young, I remember my mother saying eavesdroppers never hear well of themselves. The idea being that sometimes what we overhear is not want we want to hear at all. Maybe the same applies to snooping. I’m talking here specifically about snooping on your spouse. It wasn’t what I’d planned to write about at all, but it’s come up a bit lately. Firstly, in a movie where the person snooped in their wife’s diary and found things he didn’t really want to find. Then in a book where the mother snooped in her daughter’s diary. I’ve read in … Continue reading

Men Just Don’t Understand

Men simply don’t understand the whole concept of women’s handbags. How often have you heard a husband or boyfriend say, ‘You need to get rid of some of that junk out of your handbag,’ or some similar comment. Yes, Mick has been known to say this. The woman will usually reply, ‘But it’s all needed.’ Or it might be, she could add. That’s the things men don’t understand about women’s handbags. They’re not always about what you need so much as what you might need. As well as essentials like purse or wallet complete with credit cards and those loyalty … Continue reading

Santa Closets

Last night I spent about three hours wrapping Tyler’s Christmas presents. Well at least the ones that were small enough to wrap. He has three that are just too big to wrap so I put them in a big Target bag and slapped a bow on it. Once all the wrapping was finally done I then had to find a place to hide them. Big problem. He has already started snooping trying to find what I had bought so far. He knows that Santa will bring the bulk of his gifts when he comes but he also knows that his … Continue reading