Sleeping in Separate Beds: You’re Not Alone

Our culture believes that couples who sleep in separate beds are either experiencing or inviting problems in their marriage. Because I’m a light sleeper, I’m a firm believer that couples should be free to sleep separately if necessary. Jon and I almost always sleep together, but if one of us is restless we move to another bed, to keep that person from being woken up. I know that sleeping in the same bed improves intimacy. Once kids are part of the equation alone time between couples is scarce, and time in bed together, even if it’s just the process of … Continue reading

Sleeping Together – The Benefits and the Challenges

When you’re married, we talk about sharing the marriage bed and the intimacy that creates. This is about more than sexual desire, however, it’s about the spooning, and the snoozing, the snuggling and the stealing the sheets that couples do when they sleep together. Sleeping is and of itself a very individual activity and while you may snuggle with your spouse and wake up to them, when you are sleeping – it’s not usually one we consider a joint activity. Millions of Couples Sleep Together The truth is, millions of us do share our beds and we do sleep with … Continue reading

Sleeping Together or Apart?

Interesting topic of discussion, I read an article about married couples spending only 1/3 of their lives sleeping together. Sleeping apart may indicate lower marital satisfaction, but it can also indicate just wanting to get a good night’s sleep. In the first few years of a relationship, couples are willing to sacrifice comfort for intimacy and after five to six years, the couple is more interested in a good night’s sleep than they are in intimacy. This can be a problem. According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than one in ten married Americans sleep alone. Of those with less … Continue reading

The Freedom To Work When It Works For You

One of the best things about working from home is that you have the freedom to choose a schedule that works best for you. This great post by Richele McFarlin is a good example of how someone who works from home can adjust her work hours as her needs and the needs of her family change over time. Since I work from home, I have that same freedom and I have been able to create a schedule that fits both my needs and the needs of my family. My primary occupation is that of stay – at – home mom. … Continue reading

Where’s My Manual

When Hailey was born many times I wished for a manual. Something that would guide me and let me know if I was doing the right thing. Eventually, I learned enough about my baby that she was able to tell me what she needed and together, we figured this thing out. However when I got divorced I was once again looking for that manual. What do I do first? What kind of relationship should I have with my ex husband? Where should we live? Is it ok for Hailey to change schools? What if my ex misses his weekend with … Continue reading

A Typical Day

My day begins with my daughter’s sweet little voice coaxing me out of my sleepfulness. We spend a few minutes chatting, smiling, and often times even laughing. Then she expresses to me quite insistently that she wants to get out of bed. I take her into her and her brother’s room (where most often my son and husband are sleeping) to change her diaper. At this point my son usually stirs and after I change his sister I also change him. Once both kids have dry diapers and clean clothes, we head downstairs with my husband following close behind. Then … Continue reading

Do You and Your Spouse Sleep in Separate Beds?

In the days of black and white television, it was scandalous to show a man and woman in the same bed. I remember seeing episodes of I Love Lucy and wondered why Lucy and Ricky had twin beds—the world just wasn’t ready for anything more suggestive. Today when we hear of a man and woman sleeping in two separate beds, our thoughts immediately leap to the conclusion that they are having anger and/or sexual problems. But is that the only reason for sleeping separately? Some people are driven to the couch or to the guest bedroom by their spouse’s snoring … Continue reading

Spending Time With My Sister Part VIII

While we were all sleeping, my family arrived early in the morning after driving through the night. I awoke a little earlier than usual so that I could make my son and I breakfast before the families came over to visit. My sister’s in-laws come over first to squeeze in some solitary baby time before my mom, sisters, and brother took over the baby holding (my dad waited patiently for “his turn” as did my sister’s father-in-law). My sister and I left the merriment for a few minutes to figure out what she would wear to the baptism with her … Continue reading

Taking Care Of Camping Gear

I’m getting ready to go camping for the long weekend. That means dragging out all the camping gear I haven’t used in a few years. Everything is in good shape but it is all dusty and doesn’t smell very good! I got everything out, spread it all on the driveway to take stock. I have a dry pack that has all the cookware that is used just for camping, this was easy, hot soapy dishwater and it was ready to go. The cook stove was a little harder. I took it apart and used paper towels to get all the … Continue reading

Fidelity Ruins Marriages?

I realize that for many, there is much to be celebrated about since New York passed its same-sex marriage bill which will allow for gay marriage to be legal starting on July 24, 2011. But do we really have to start tearing down the traditional marriage? That is exactly what happened in a recent article that appeared in the “New York Times.” It was written by a homosexual sex-advice columnist, Dan Savage. He said that fidelity destroys more marriages than it saves (I would like to see the statistics on that one). Yes, you read that right. It is the … Continue reading