Working Together as Husband and Wife

Do you and your spouse work at the same place? This can be a lot of fun, or it can cause complications at work and at home. Let’s take a look at both sides of the equation. On the plus side, working at the same location gives the husband and wife the chance to spend more time together during the day. Even if they don’t work in the same department, chances are their paths will cross frequently throughout their shift, and they can eat lunch together and take breaks together. Working in the same facility also gives them something in … Continue reading

Working Women a Contributing Factor in Marriage and Family Break-Ups

Working women are contributing to marriage and family break-ups. A recent survey in the United Kingdom came to this conclusion. They found after a study of British childhood that ‘women’s increasing economic independence from their male partners is contributing to family break-ups which is in turn damaging children.’ At the risk of being shot down in flames, I admit I’m old fashioned enough to agree. Yet, it really stands to reason. Depending on the type of job they have, women can be earning more than their men. Some men struggle to deal with that, as it makes them feel inferior. … Continue reading

Spouses Behaving Badly

What would you do if your spouse talked and laughed about you behind your back? Or didn’t stick up for you when someone made an unkind remark about them? Or ran to save only him or herself without consideration for your safety when danger loomed? Sadly, my marriage has encountered all of these situations. Behind My Back In our early years, back when we were still dating and not even living together, Wayne had some friends who could be rather lewd and obnoxious. One day when we weren’t getting along very well (which happened more than I care to admit … Continue reading

Spouses and Differing Spiritual Wavelengths

Sometimes you go on a spiritual quest that your spouse supports, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes you’re in the same spiritual boat as your spouse, sometimes you’re not. Because of the big changes our marriage has incurred recently due to my mom moving in with us, lately Wayne and I have been having a lot of discussions about my spiritual beliefs. Why just mine? Because Wayne has fewer than I do. Also, mine tend to guide my decisions, and Wayne doesn’t always agree with the decisions I make. (i.e. If you read my article in which I examined control issues, interpret … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home – Working May Help Your Marriage

We’ve been talking a lot about wives who work from home. This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. After all, I’m a wife who works from home. I’ve been a wife who works outside the home. I’ve been a wife who works at home. I’ve been a stay at home mom and I’ve been wife and mom who went to school. I have great things to say about all of the above. Working May Help Your Marriage Let me be honest about something, I enjoy being a mom. I enjoy being a wife. I love … Continue reading

Both Spouses Have to Be Committed

I have written a number of blogs that describe the traits that a couple might want to have in order to adopt a special needs child. It is also necessary that both of you are willing to dedicate your lives to adopting the child. I am specifically focusing on the concept that both partners need to completely “buy in” to the commitment. First of all, I in no way mean to imply that a single person should not adopt. It will take even more dedication and the work will be even harder. There are many single people who have successfully … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review November 18-24

Welcome to the weekend and the end of the Thanksgiving week and the start of the holiday madness. Yesterday got us all of to a rousing start. For those of you who dived into the Black Friday shopping craziness, I feel your pain – I was out there too. In the meanwhile, this was a busy week in the Marriage blog with guest blogger Valorie Delp paying us a visit as well, if you didn’t get a chance to check out her blogs, I encourage you to do so, she’s a great writer and brings her own unique perspective into … Continue reading

Should Both Spouses Work?

Many married couples today are dual income families. While more and more women opt to stay home with children while they are young, moms may head back to the wonderful world of full time employment once the youngest child starts school. Will doing so really improve your household income enough to make it worth your time? It may or may not. It depends on the hours, the salary, the benefits, tax penalties many married couples are subjected to, and work related expenses. It may also include childcare for the hours after school until you or your spouse gets home from … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog’s New Millenium

Good morning! Welcome to our 1,000th post here in the marriage blog and let me tell you, it feels so weird to say we’ve been here for a 1000 different entries tackling everything from wedding planning to problem solving to dating and more. It’s been a real pleasure for me to be writing for this topic for nearly a year now and to share it with such an awesome co-blogger as Sherry Holetzky. With that in mind, we thought we’d offer a small treat for our 1,000th blog and we interviewed each other. So without further ado, let me present … Continue reading

Signs that you Might be the “Default” Parent

There is a somewhat controversial article going around the internet about the “default” parent. Some people seem to relate to what it talks about. Others seem to feel that the concept does not (or should not) exist. What’s a “default” parent? Why is this concept generating online drama? Here are some signs that you might be the “default” parent in your household. Writer M. Blazoned wrote a post titled The Default Parent on her blog. It has been cross-posted to Huffington Post. It is well worth taking the time to read. The comments left on her blog are, for the … Continue reading