Do You Feel Sexy?

Sometimes, the issue is not one of lack of attraction for our spouses. Sometimes, it’s all about not feeling very attractive ourselves. This may stem from physical issues regarding personal appearance, health, weight gain, rapid weight loss, or an assortment of other concerns, but sometimes it can also be emotional. If you don’t feel good about yourself as a person, or don’t particularly like the man or woman inside, you’re not likely to feel as if you’re attractive to others. On the other hand, it may not be self-image, but the image you feel the other person sees. If your … Continue reading

Is Your Sex Life on the Skids?

This is a family forum and I’m going to do my best to discuss the following topic in a way that is not offensive. However, as marriages go, having your sex life hit the skids is a problem many couples may face after the birth of children. No matter how active, creative or unlimited their intimacy was prior to children – it seems that having a baby can not only neutralize the interest in physical intimacy, but also cut it off altogether. Identifying the Problem You may think the lack of interest in physical intimacy is the problem, yet strangely … Continue reading

Q&A with Drs. Parrott, Authors of Trading Places

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, a rep at Zondervan contacted me about participating in Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott’s book blog tour. Their newest book is Trading Places: The Best Move You’ll Ever Make in Your Marriage. The opportunity to read this book was truly heaven sent. Earlier this year I set out on a mission to understand how to make the best of marriage. I definitely found answers in this book. I’ll be writing more about other information I gleaned as the year goes on, but for now I want to share with you another answer I … Continue reading

When Your Therapist Does Harm (2)

In When Your Therapist Does Harm (1) (see link below) we looked at the possibility that some therapists may actually cause further harm in their already distressed patients and clients. This harm usually comes in the form of instigating a sexual relationship with their client. As previously mentioned, it is imperative that for therapy to work there is a good rapport between therapist and client. In fact, therapy will stall without it. But occasionally, due to the intimate nature of therapy, a client may become infatuated with their therapist. This customarily happens between a male therapist and a female client, … Continue reading