How a Transgender Couple Became Parents

When a couple is ready to become parents, they will do almost anything to make that happen. The desire to produce children who carry the parent’s DNA is strong. The Bowsers are a couple who wanted to have children and were able to produce two healthy sons that are biologically their own. The thing that makes this happy story a little different is that both parents happen to be transgender. Bianca and Nick Bowser were featured on 20/20. Their story is, in many ways, similar to thousands of other couples. They met. They fell in love. They eventually decided that … Continue reading

Causes of a Sexless Marriage

There are more of them out there than we might think. Long time married people who are living a sexless marriage. While a loving marriage may be had without sex, I am sure that many will agree with me when I say that sex and physical intimacy should definitely be a part of marriage and can strengthen it. While sex in marriage is private, it is also something that a couple should not be ashamed about and should seek help if needed. As one of my favorite lines from the movie Moonstruck is said when an older couple goes about … Continue reading

And Now for Something Completely Frivolous

We’ve had some heavy blogs lately, in I which expounded on how to solve some of the problems of the world. But hey, it’s summer, and everyone is talking about “beach reads”, just-for-fun summer reading. It occured to me that bestselling romance novelist Danielle Steel has dealt with adoption themes in several of her novels. **A note about Danielle Steel’s books—in some of them, characters have sex outside of marriage. (Plenty of happily married couples star in her novels too.) I have probably read only a dozen of Steel’s more than seventy novels. As far as I can recall, we … Continue reading

Marriage Laws: Rhode Island & New York

We’ve paid a call on Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Maine, now our journey down the Eastern seaboard exploring marriage laws brings us to the small, but lovely state of Rhode Island and the impressive and vast New York. Rhode Island There is no residency requirement for couples seeking to get married in Rhode Island. Both parties must show their birth certificates and provide their social security numbers when they apply for a license. If you are a resident of Rhode Island, you should apply for your marriage license in the town where one or both of you reside. As … Continue reading

Sleeping in Separate Beds: You’re Not Alone

Our culture believes that couples who sleep in separate beds are either experiencing or inviting problems in their marriage. Because I’m a light sleeper, I’m a firm believer that couples should be free to sleep separately if necessary. Jon and I almost always sleep together, but if one of us is restless we move to another bed, to keep that person from being woken up. I know that sleeping in the same bed improves intimacy. Once kids are part of the equation alone time between couples is scarce, and time in bed together, even if it’s just the process of … Continue reading

Preparing for Marriage from Childhood

We all know couples who have gone in for counseling before they get married to help them get their marriages off on the right foot. This kind of preparation is awesome. What we might not realize, though, is that we are actually preparing for marriage from the time we’re born. When we’re toddlers and small children, we internalize how our parents treat us. As we get older, we notice how they treat each other. These examples become our first and most impacting lessons in what constitutes a home and a family. If we were raised in an unloving home, we … Continue reading

The Pregnant Man is Pregnant Again

The media is abuzz today with stories about the pregnant man expecting another baby. In case you were in hiding or never watch the news, the pregnant man is a married transitional transsexual. Thomas Beatie, born Tracy Beatie, gave birth to a daughter about five months ago. Beatie had his breasts removed and took male hormones, but did not have the full surgery to become a man. He and his wife used donor sperm, injected at home by the wife, to conceive both children. With the first pregnancy, many believed it was a hoax, until it was confirmed by his … Continue reading

Untainted Hollywood

Just call her the anti-Britney… and Paris… and Lindsay. Fourteen-year-old actress Dakota Fanning is as pure as they come in Hollywood and the “Charlotte’s Web” star says she intends to stay that way as long as possible. Given the sordid tales of other childhood stars, who have been in and out of rehab several times before they could get their driver’s license, I would say Fanning has already far surpassed expectations. During a recent promotional tour for her new movie “The Secret Life of Bees,” the teen star made a pledge to refrain from holding up 7-11s, having premarital sex, … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – California

We started our journey on the East Coast, a few weeks ago, exploring marriage laws. We’ve learned quite a few interesting things along the way and we only have four states left after our visit to the Golden State of California today. I saved California for close to the end because there were so many changes going on there. We’ll touch upon some of these changes and shifts in the law and more. So let’s get started at looking at the marriage laws in: California Each county may have its own requirements, so be sure to check ahead of time. … Continue reading