Bad Habits

Bad habits…we all have them.  But bad habits in fitness can make losing weight difficult. The problem with habits is that they are difficult to break.  So a new way to approach this is to look at it as not having to break habits but developing new ones.  It sounds more positive, doesn’t it? Let’s start with some bad habits when it comes to food.  How many times does your family get fast food?  It’s gotten so bad that eating out once-a-week is looked at as healthy.  One of my goals for the New Year is going to be cutting … Continue reading

5 Bad Habits to Overcome

Bad habits can be hard to break. But if they are standing in the way of you achieving the fit lifestyle you desire to have, it will be worth the hard work of breaking them. While everyone experiences their own challenges, there are some bad habits that are fairly common. See if you recognize yourself in any of these. The first bad habit is setting unrealistic goals. When you raise the bar too high, it can cause you to quickly lose motivation. You can’t run a marathon when you haven’t been off the couch in ages. Set small, achievable goals. … Continue reading

Eating Habits

You know the old saying, “You are what you eat.” But I also think it could be said that our children are what we eat. In other words, our eating habits are transferred down to them. I was recently reading an article about the “10 Bad Eating Habits Parents Often Teach their Kids” and came to a realization about something. I have gotten slack in this department. When they were younger, I had a lot more control over what they ate. I leaned toward healthier choices and because that was what I purchased, it was what I ate as well. … Continue reading

Setting Up Your First Budget as a Couple

Newlyweds face many challenges as they seek to form their own family unit. They struggle to get along with in-laws, they have to put up with their spouse’s snoring and bad habits, and they must learn to think in terms of “us” instead of “me.” Perhaps one of the most difficult challenges they face is that of constructing a budget for their new household. Engaged couples do well to sit down together and look over their financial status, making important decisions for their future. Will they both continue to work, or will one stay home? Will they keep both their … Continue reading

Setting Bad Habits

Studies show parents who use TV as a baby minder and tool to keep young children occupied could be endangering their future health. Too often parents are busy and so sit even really little children in front of the TV or to watch a DVD. According to a recent study, doing this endangers their health not just as young children but sets up poor health habits and creates school adjustment problems. Children who are used to being in front of the TV have less capacity for classroom involvement, math and other subjects. A young male teacher I know has found … Continue reading

Seven Habits That Will Harm Your Marriage

Avoiding the following seven habits may also help you avoid a divorce. Psychiatrist William Glasser, MD and his wife, Carleen Glasser, MA, co-authored a marriage advice book called Eight Lessons for a Happier Marriage. In the book, they mention “seven deadly habits” (they like numbers, it seems) that can lead to marital strife. They are: criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, threatening, punishing, and bribing. It seems sometimes in our marriages that we don’t even realize that we are doing some of these things–hence the fact that they are habits I suppose. While I haven’t read the Glasser’s take on these myself, … Continue reading

3 Bad Bed Time Habits You Shouldn’t Start

I almost hesitate to post this. The truth is one family’s bad habit might be another’s god send. As someone who doesn’t do sleep deprivation well, I find myself returning to this motto: do whatever allows you the most sleep. But there are a few things that are definite no-no’s and/or will make your life harder down the road. Bad Habit #1: Putting Baby to Bed with a Bottle This isn’t my opinion. It’s the opinion of the American Dental Association, as well as the American Association of Pediatrics, as well as the World Health Organization. Why, is this such … Continue reading

Journaling Your Way to Weight Loss–Setting Up Your Journal

Yesterday, I talked about setting up a journal to help motivate you and keep you on track for reaching your weight loss goals. Today I’m going to give you some specific directions on how to set one up. I need to point out though that the journal must be useful for you. Perhaps what was useful for me, my methodologies, and the way I set mine up is not what’s going to be useful for you. So please take whatever ideas you find helpful. Please disregard whatever is going to hinder you in your progress. A journal is all about … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action Week 3, Day 3: Bad Habits & Exercise

I’ve talked about making exercise a habit before. A good habit is one that is beneficial to you and helps you to feel good in positive ways. Regular exercise can increase dopamine levels in your brain. Dopamine is the chemical that increases your feelings of well being, joy and elation. It’s this elevated dopamine that can keep you coming back for more, each and every day. Bad Habits Exercise is a great habit and forming this habit is one of the best things you can do for yourself. In the meanwhile, as you work on generating a great habit with … Continue reading

Can You Change Your Money Habits?

If you find yourself in a difficult financial situation, wondering how you will ever be able to pay off the bills, or put food on the table you may be asking yourself if you can change your spending habits. The answer is a simple yes you can. The key is that you want to change badly enough that you are willing to take a look at the spending habits that got you there in the first place. Many people do not want to take that long hard look at themselves, and decide that they need to change. These people are … Continue reading