Selfishness and Dishonesty Taken to the Extreme

I was horrified when I read this article about a man who infected the woman he claimed to love, and who he later married, with HIV. According to reports , he did not tell her he had the virus when the couple first ‘began a sexual relationship in 1996.’ Instead he knowingly and willingly passed the disease on to the woman he supposedly loved without telling her. By the time she found out, it was too late. This has to be the height of selfishness on this man’s part. Obviously Judge Thomas Wodak thought so too, He said ‘the fact … Continue reading

Identifying Weeds in a Marriage

Yesterday we looked at a few deceptive weeds that can creep into a marriage by looking attractive at first. A lot depends on your definition of weed. You might have different ideas about what is a weed and what is not. Though other people might call them flowers, like snowball trees, snowdrops, or white jonquils to me they are weeds. In our garden anything that flowers white is a weed by my standards. Mick dutifully g digs them out, because he knows how I hate them. But some weeds easy to spot. Here, in no particular order, are some weeds … Continue reading

Can Self-Control Be a Bad Thing?

Can self-control be a bad thing? According to a recent scientific study, apparently it can. Can empathizing with others be a bad thing? Again experts have decided it apparently can be. What do you think? Well, I’m going to have to disagree on this. It seems to me, that too often the problems in marriages are caused by selfishness and lack of self-control rather than by self control and empathizing with our spouse. If each of us stopped and thought before we spoke, we might decide not to say what we’d been going to, because we’d realize how much it … Continue reading