Oh Say Can You See

That’s me with glasses. That’s my daughter dying of embarrassment because I decided to wear said glasses in public. I bribed her to smile for the camera. Yes, I am that mom. The one who willingly mortifies her child in public by wearing specs her daughter views as “totally ugly” all in the name of safety.  Believe me; you don’t want to know what would happen if I were to drive without the lenses that help correct my 20/500 vision. Ironically, that same daughter, who so quickly denounces my looks when I opt to wear glasses instead of contacts, came … Continue reading

The Worst Genealogy Blog of the Year

Many genealogists take time out of their research to work on their very own, personal, genealogy blog. While some of these blogs are entertaining, informative, and inspirational, others are a chore to try and read. Here are some tips to keep your blog from being deemed “the worst genealogy blog of the year”. Anyone can make a blog. There are several websites that will let you sign up and instantly start creating a blog about whatever topic you like for free. This is both good and bad. It allows every genealogist who desires to make a family history blog the … Continue reading

The Things She Says

I have a very talkative preschooler.  She is my fourth child so I felt I knew the path of a chatty little one.  However, she has far surpassed my other children in her ability to use her mouth on a nonstop basis.  If I walked as long as she moved her lips, I would be Twiggy.  If I slept as long as she moved her lips, it would be considered a coma.  As I type this I can hear her talking nonstop to her sister.  Our ears all get so tired we have to pass her off like a heavy … Continue reading

Splat Says Thank You!

How do you know if your child understands the true meaning of Thanksgiving? Before digging into their Turkey Day spread, many families go around the dinner table and share moments of gratitude. Kids are then put on the spot and forced to share one thing they are thankful for while a gaggle of extended guests stare them down. The end result: Typically, a long stretch of silence followed by a string of “ums,” “ers,” “ahs,” and more silence. If you are lucky, you’ll hear a barely audible, “toys” or a regurgitation of whatever the person ahead of your shy child … Continue reading

My Little Talker

My baby has become a full-fledged talker. I’m not sure when he started figuring out that he could communicate, but we love it. And, are constantly surprised by his ability to talk to us now. It is hard to get his undivided attention these days because he is so busy. But, usually, when I am changing his diaper, I can take his being confined to the changing table as a moment to talk to him and have him talk back. I have noticed that in these moments, he is really watching my mouth move and how I form the words. … Continue reading

Channing Tatum Named PEOPLE’s Sexiest Man Alive

Last year, PEOPLE’s Sexiest Man Alive title went to Bradley Cooper but not without much hullabaloo from fans of Ryan Gosling. In fact, there was speculation this year that maybe Gosling would receive the title. But, no, this year is all about Channing Tatum and today, he was named PEOPLE’s Sexiest Man Alive. Tatum has starred in four movies this year – Haywire, The Vow, 21 Jump Street, and Magic Mike, which have grossed over $589 million worldwide. Magic Mike was made for only $7 million and grossed $158.9 million alone, making it the highest grossing movie under the Dance … Continue reading

Scary Places: The Myrtle Plantation

When you think of a southern plantation, you may think of women in white dresses and bonnets, gentleman farmers, and sweet tea, but do you think of ghosts? If you don’t, you might want to visit the Myrtle Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the plantation is currently a bed and breakfast, but it may not be for the faint of heart. It is known as one of the most haunted homes in America. The plantation dates all the way back to 1796 when it was built by General David Bradford, only he … Continue reading

Should you have a pen name?

The question of adopting a pen name comes up for every aspiring author, freelance writer and blogger. Many who spend a lot of time online do not always feel comfortable using their real name. They do not want to bring added attention to their families. Some fear they are opening themselves up to more online undesirables that may intend some type of harm or slander. Many authors decide to write on sensitive material and find using a pen name gives them the ability to relate that material without bringing undo attention on themselves or family. Perhaps some find the idea … Continue reading

My Dreams For My Child Are The Same As Yours

There is so much talk constantly about those poor children growing up in single parent homes. Yes, for some children it is a really bad environment, but for most of those children it would be a bad situation even if they had both parents at home. Many times, the children of single parents who are in the worst situations are living with drug or alcohol addictions or poverty. As a society we need to help those children and those families. All of us, single or married, parent or not, should do what we can to help each other. Sometimes children … Continue reading

My Fake High School Wedding

This is the story of how I planned my wedding in high school. I’ll give you all a moment to recover from the shock: Families.com’s laid-back marriage blogger, she of the gender stereotyping rants and “what’s the big fuss” attitude toward schmoopy romance and wedding culture planned a wedding in her high school days. Never fear: I did it because I had to for class. My crazy gym/health teacher, the same woman who’d also make us write papers for our self-defense gym classes, made all of her students plan weddings as part of our sexual health education unit. It had … Continue reading